Yes, happens a lot and even with queuing sometimes. Very annoying bug. And they do the same with the trees, making a hole where you less expect it so they welcome the enemies riders. I feel like villagers are making the game a bit unpleasant to play. You need to keep supervising what they are doing through the whole game.
When shepherds finish harvesting a sheep and they auto task to the next sheep they will ignore a closer sheep if it is moving.
100% of the time (ALWAYS)
Here’s the steps to reproduce the issue:
Have shepherds harvesting a sheep with other sheep nearby. The testing I did was with the shepherds working in the center of the bottom quadrant of the TC with the other sheep just inside the range of the TC toward the South-East side.
When the shepherds finish the sheep they are working on have a sheep moving closer to the TC just before the shepherds finish.
If the closer sheep is moving when a particular villager is finished and contacts the center of the carcass (this appears to be the moment the auto task takes effect) it will ignore the moving sheep and target the next closest sheep.
The shepherds should have gone to the closest sheep regardless if it was moving or not.