So i had this crazy idea about a late game imperial age tech : shipment surveillance or something like that.
For a price, your can see what is the next shipment (or in progress shipment) and where it will go, for all players on the map. It should have a cooldown that’s team shared, so you can’t spam it.
Players get notified. If no shipment is in progress, then the effect ends after 1 min. 2 mins cooldown.
Refined idea:
A shipment that will tell you what the enemy in progress shipment is and where it will go. Can be used in any age. Infinite times. Available to all civs.
If its late imperial then that would be of very little value
You can already see what shipment have been sent if you look at the opponent’s deck and if they dont have any infinite cards then it basically means no more shipments are coming
If they do have it then you also know what is coming
edit: and knowing precise time when it pops out is basically just knowing when a batch is trained, which in the lategame might as well be always
If it’s truly late imperial why not just… blockade?
Cause blockade is expensive. This should be far less expensive than blockade.
for a lot of civs the info will be kinda meaningless
like against lategame aztec and hausa there is basically 1 shipment which is the infinite 1000 res otherwise its a unit shipment and knowing its coming is of very little value.
So basically you think this would make more sense earlier in the game?
Yeah, earlier in the game would make it more useful than having it be rather redundant alongside Blockade.
It’d make for a neat wonder effect and/or shipment.
yeah early game in an FFA setting
Im thinking its like treason in the kill the king games in aoe 2
Yeah i guess it could be an infinite shipment. Good point.