Should AoM Retold be Delayed?

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This video discusses a lot of the issues.

I think if they can fix the pathing and connection errors before launch I will be more than satisfied.


Probably. They ninja-removed reference to Arena of the Gods, so clearly that isn’t ready. Judging by the beta, the campaign isn’t remotely polished yet either.

I imagine it’ll be a rough launch, but let’s see.


If the Devs feel like they need more time to release a quality product then sure. I for one don’t mind if it’s released with a few issues, as long as those issues are quickly fixed and we’re not waiting months to years for them to be fixed like in EE.

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I feel like the AoMR Beta was almost in a better state than the release version of AoE3DE.
I’m pretty optimistic that they can iron out most of the issues before release.

Some developers have been actively replying to bug reports on the beta forums recently.
They are aware of the issues.

Besides the unit pathing issues the beta seemed pretty good to me. The Ui could use some work but the fundamentals are there and visual bugs can be fixed post-release.

i honestly don’t know. i just know they should have announced and released the open betade earlier like april or mai or something. would have been way more time to target feedback of everyone than in just one/two months (where i only can see they might patch things after release (?))

If there are enough known bugs you need to fix you don’t need people to give you an even longer list of bugs.

I would generally prefer them to talk about their game earlier but the problem is that there are too many people in this community that don’t understand what a beta is.
They will spam the forums, reddit and social media with their opinion on how this game is utterly broken beyond repair, how it will never be fixed and how they cancelled their pre order.
Even now with a beta that was in a pretty good state there were a few posts form people cancelling their pre order over some stupid minor issues like the number of fingers of the Osiris PNG.

With people like this I can understand why they don’t show us more stuff earlier.


people like to hype, people like to complain. nothing new.

criticism is and should be feedback. some ppl lack to understand this and also think that hate is criticism…

i am nitpicky here and there too like others here regarding other things but we all still love the game, respect the meaning of a beta and ciriticse CAUSE we love the game.

i see many complain about this and that but mostly about minor things. i also see about the similar amount of ppl loving and looking forward to it.

that ppl stopped (pre-)ordering cause of these things sounds really weird and i personally never really saw this (maybe about two ppl in a rage comment which you can’t take that seriously anyway)

if the devs really delay things and publish things so rarely just cause of these issues this would be really sad…
and i personally kind of doubt it. you saw how damn many ppl was so happy about retold when they showed the first screenshots? if your argument would be true, this woud have also encouraged them to show more but they didn’t. for months. i bet its some intern thingy. and of course a bit of pressure to make it right since its not a complete new game. many ppl have expectations - at least more or less.

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Im very sure it doesnt get delayed. They’ve shown with prior releases that they’re completely fine with releasing an unfinished product. That being said, the beta actually gives me hope that this release will at least not as bad as others have been.

If villagers don’t get stuck and they improve the ranked system (with the ranked system I’D guess that wasnt a high priority to be ready for the beta, which is okay) I’d already be okay as a release version. Releasing a game which is completely polished does not seem to be an option, so I accept that and just hope, that it’s comfortably playable and doesn’t turn off all the new players who are going to have a look in the first few weeks.

And I actually think a lot of thing mentioned in the video are right, but not as important as he makes them sound. Better observer mode for example. What we had in the beta is already so much better than for example what AoE4 had on release. If they leave it as it is and maybe get back to it after the initial launch stress is over and all important bugs are fixed, that would be fine imo.
UI is another thing - Im sure there will be mods and options to personalize it. I dont think that needs to be the highest priority either. It looks good, it might not be the best and especially annoying for veterans, but honestly for release I’m more worried about what happens to potential new players and I’m very confident 90%+ are going to be perfectly fine with the current UI.
Hotkeys - yes, it’s not optimal, but you can adjust a lot yourself there and the options are at least decent.

Again: I wish games were releases in a polished state, but that’s just not how it works anymore. Accepting that, I just hope they fix the crucial things and then we can go on from there.
The good thing is that AoE4 has shown to me that they will manage to make it good - I just hope they dont take as much time for it as they did with AoE4 and learnt from their mistakes there. Because riding that hype wave at the beginning is very important if we want this game the become actually big (which it has the potential to be I think).

Yes, it should have a year and a half of development at most (mid-late 2022), although I am still optimistic that they will fix it by the end of the year when they launch the Chinese…

Ok that might be a bit of a controversial opinion but I don’t really mind a buggy release all that much.

Like let’s say they will have the game very well balanced and with very little bugs by December.
Then if they delay the release until December I have multiple months where I can’t play AoMR.
If they release it in September I can play it in a less then perfect state for multiple months and have lots of fun with it.
I don’t gain anything from them releasing the game later. They could just make it early access now and I’d be fine with it.

A super broken release can obviously harm their sales in the long run so it’s not the best idea to do that economically, but not really something I care about as much personally.

I don’t really get this obsession with a perfectly polished release.

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And if they released it in the state it was during the beta? No changes, outside of unlocking the whole campaign, and the Atlanteans in Skirmish and multiplayer. With not a single bug fixed. And not early access either, but full release.
I read somewhere here, the beta was in a more stable and better polished state than AoE3 DE was at launch. Every game has bugs. Even after decades of development time and years of post launch patches, and extensive mod support. It’s simply a matter of degree.

They’ll fix a lot of the bugs pointed out in beta by release. Even if it’s not perfect, I’d rather have more time playing a game that will likely still be in a “playable” state than wait unnecessarily for it to be in a perfect polished state.
As already suggested, if they feel they can’t full release it without bugs, perhaps open it as an early access for those who’ve pre-ordered or others who opted in?
Also, if one is concerned about bugs on release, they don’t have to buy it - they could wait and watch streamers until they feel the game is in a good enough state to get it.
But the beta was genuinely in a great state, when one thinks about it. Path funding was the biggest issue but a focused drive to fix it should do it. Other bugs really were minor, small fixes here and there, which hopefully means that the devs could potentially even change some of the more prominent feedback about actual changes that the community want.
I think they should release it - bugs will be inevitable, they can’t play test it enough to fix everything. But if they fix they pathfinding I see no reason why the release won’t be considered one of the AOE’s best

Ok but another question:
Was the AoMR beta in a better state then AoMEE is in now?

I vote no. I’m pretty sure that the beta was behind the devs version, so I hope some of the issues are already fixed

Given the texture issues, the voiceline issues, and pathfinding issues, I’m gonna give that question a hard no.
Can’t speak on multiplayer connectivity and online performance, since I don’t play multiplayer, and I did hear that AoMEE is pretty much unplayable in that regard, and the Beta was at least semi functional.
And not factoring in controversial balancing choices and new units is on purpose, since both have that, and for better or worse, those things are intended by the developer. (Even if the controversy behind them isn’t)

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Things get improved a lot in the last version before release.

AOE3 was unplayable on release. Units getting stick in trees. Ridiculous.

Should it be delayed? Yes. The team missed an opportunity to have an insider closed beta months before release so feedback could be incorporated in time. While the game is good overall there are issues which may impact how the game is received.

Will it be delayed? Most likely not. The team is undoubtedly under a lot of pressure to deliver on time. The issues that have been identified, while important to some players, may not be big enough to justify a delay.


No thank you. I’m fine with some bugs as long as its not unplayable