Should Arabia-only players be forced to play other maps?

if you need to come up with stupid rules and beg the devs to apply it then yes, its a crappy map. At least without treaty it was fun to vilfight and douche. Now im forced to play the game, at least with treaty i can go afk untilmin 5 and then resign this crappy map.

Its the total sum of how nomad and so were played out that shouldt allowed viill Fights in the first place now with the treaty its fixed

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dont worry im afk on those nomad games now, its not worth it to play a ■■■■■■ map

Instead of griefing the experience of your teammates (and opponents, tbh), if you hate the map this much why don’t you ban it? That’s what the map ban is for.

I don’t like arena but i really don’t like islands so that’s where my ban goes. I don’t mind having to play arena here and there but if I can avoid water maps that has my preference. So I ban them

It’s one of those maps/seperate game-modes that’s expected to be insta-banned, so why waste bans on it when you could ban maps you don’t like anyways instead of those insta-ban types when most of the playerbase bans it anyways? Anything that’s not a standard start of 1 tc, 3 vills+civ bonuses and one normal scout/eagle scout is a seperate game-mode - be it nomad or marketplace or the current state of mega-random with its camel scouts and double tc/vills possibilities.

because i have only 1 map ban and i use it on black forest.

Completely agree.

The question here: isn’t the player base big enough so that we can split the queues, and you avoid going against players’ preferences?

I think there are indeed enough players, and can’t find a good enough reason to force them. At least for some of the most popular maps.

Of course if you’re playing a 4v4 where you have to take into account 8 players’ preferences, it’s the hardest situation to come up with a solution

But that’s a thing. It’s really hard to find a game you enjoy with only 1 ban. I think we can come up with a better solution so that everyone finds games more according to their own preferences (e.g., more bans, arabia-only, arena-only option, 

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not my fault, tg elo its irrelevant and if i dont have fun on X map im not going to waste time on it so yeah. Afk until min 5, its not my problem.