I’m not talking about buffing or nerfing the civ. I think right now is neither good or bad, at least is balanced.
However, from all 4 variant civs, this is the one most similar to its base civ. Basically, it is the same as French but with JdA in the army with her own abilities.
Abbasid is a boom civ while Ayubids are more aggresive, with nice castle timings, different camel units.
HRE and OOTD are simiar, but OOTD is slower, with no prelates, every unit is like 2 units. It’s like an elite HRE army. At least all units have different skins, cost and stats.
China is a boom and defensive civ with good siege, while Zhu Xi can be a lot more aggresive, with a better FC timing, Zhuge Nu without dynasty and Palace Guards in Feudal age.
When JdA was op, nobody played French. Now that French are a bit better, it is pretty hard to find a JdA player. The similitarity between these 2 civs makes people play the one that is better, there are no more reason to play one or another. I think this civ must be reworked to be more atractive to people.
Beasty once proposed that JdA can be an infantry-focused civ, with a School of Infantry instead of a School of cavalry. That is an option.
I propose 2 things:
Replace some base units like horseman and MAA for JdA riders and champions, changing the skills she gets in lv 3 and balancing these units if needed. I would even like to have more unique units, just as OOTD units are all “guilded”, JdA units can be all (or many of them) Jeanne’s something.
Just as Zhu Xi has Palace Guards in feudal age but China does not, JdA Knights can be moved to Castle Age, with just the Jeanne’s Riders in feudal, with better stats than horsemen. At least this way she won’t be the same Knight + archers army of every French player + 1 hero. Maybe even with unique techs for light cavalry.
The idea is not to nerf her, just to make her different. What do you think?
I think it has everything it needs but the champions need to be changed, I’d suggest a significant reduction in the cost of the champions and revert the riders stats back to what they were.
What is the point of having 2 units that nobody uses? Sometimes because people win or lose before reaching lv 3, or sometimes people just omit them. In that way, JdA is just French + Jeanne.
When playing against OOTD, you see the difference in every unit
When playing against Ayubid, you fight desert raiders, camel lancers or Manjaniq 99% of games
When playing against Zhu Xi you fight early Zhuge Nu (They have no archers) and Palace Guards, and in Castle age you fight shaolin monks.
Sometimes in big games like 4v4, you need to look carefully to know if you are facing JdA or French because they are 99% the same civ.
If the problem is the units not being used then they need to be buffed. Currently champions are far too expensive, and riders were unnecessarily nerfed. Both of these units need to be made viable, potentially available at level 2 as well.
With a good balance (cost, damage, armor) and replacing their respective unit you would see them in every game. These units should be always available, and maybe reaching lv 3 unlock an unique tech for each unit.
Yes they are same with french civ and joanne as hero is broken like with one ability my army losing half of his health or her insta heal ability its just unbalanced.Civ need a total rework its not even a civ now actually.Ootd needs a rework too in my opinion.Ayyubids just needs a different landmark and zhu xi needs a proper name.
What do you propose for OOTD? What do you think is wrong?
I like the civ, just think it is hard to balance. I would prefer just different landmarks
Agree with Zhu Xi, wtf that name?
Don’t agree with ayyubids. They really feel like a different civ compared to Abbasid. The HoW techs and how they work change totally how you play each civ. It is still a variant, but it is ok for me.
OOTD is same of hre with landmarks just some of the landmarks work little different but they do same thing.Its just a copy paste civ.
Ayyubids is the best one only missing thing is their landmark is same with abbasid you know it would be fine if they get a new skin for their landmark thats it.
Yeah, the landmarks are the same, but when you play OOTD or you play against OOTD, it just doesn’t feel the same. The fact that every unit is like 2 HRE units at least gives you the sensation of a different civ. Villagers are harder to kill and all units have unique skins. I mean, it is not like comparing French vs Malians, I know they are not that different, but at least it is not the same civ.
Well, I’m not sure about changing the skin of the landmark, but maybe changing the wings would be nice. A different skin for every wing, including a difference between an economic/military/trade/culture upgrade or another
Just a thought, make her more like the Kahn so the civ is not reliant on her abilities and leveling her up. Since she more carried the flag into battle have a landmark that makes the player choose what unquie unit she unlocks at each level up. Have a single landmark like ayyubids and Abbasid but each time you level up you choose if you want a unique infantry. Ranged or horse unit with the level up. Basically you have the option of 9 different unquie units but it is you decision which 3 you have. You can do 1 of each or 3 of the same etc. Each unit gives different abilities depending on when you upgrade them. Basically all 3 infantry units will give a different ability when you decide to unlock them during your age up if that makes sense. Jeanne would buff the special units as a passive ability to make her still a “special units”. The landmark can be a castle so it even has defensive abilities unlike the Ayyubids and abbasids. I think this would be a cool change and make Jeanne more like every other civ. If you have questions let me know so I can let you know my thoughts.
Jeanne is fine conceptually. Balance is something that always needs tweaking for all factions. If they have design resource, I’d rather they look at other aspects of the game.
She can’t be fine conceptually if she is the same as French but with 1 hero. Everybody can notice that, I’m not even talking about balance; right now is ok, but since the civ was released it has been always just French.
Make a 1v1 ayubbids vs abbasid, OOTD vs HRE, Zhu Xi vs China and you will see a far more interesting game than French vs Jeanne that are the same civ spamming Knights.
is concetually all wrong from the accuracy which barely holds on and the abilities which was centered to be played around which it is op or it is non worth with the unit spam
If Knight spam is the problem then looking at the internal balance between Jeanne, her riders, and Knights is the solution.
However a lot of people complained when Jeanne alone was strong enough to handle the difference. And taking her faction away from mounted combat entirely would be kinda silly.
Maybe if they took away Knights but made her Riders better / more available? Kinda like a more permanent Wynguard. Though the English King shows the risk in early cavalry. I think it’s more his healing, so Jeanne should be alright.