Dude… that’s… just so historically incorrect.
Korea was independent until we got colonized by Japan.
Paying tribute dose NOT mean we were subordinate under China.
" The political sacrifice of participating actors was simply “symbolic obeisance”.
[8] Actors within the “tribute system” were virtually autonomous and carried out their own agendas despite sending tribute; as was the case with Japan, Korea, Ryukyu, and Vietnam.
[9] Chinese influence on tributary states was almost always non-interventionist in nature and tributary states “normally could expect no military assistance from Chinese armies should they be invaded”.
[10][11] For example, when the
Hongwu Emperor learned that the Vietnamese attacked
Champa, he only rebuked them,
[12] and did not intervene in the
1471 Vietnamese invasion of Champa, which resulted in the destruction of that country. Both Vietnam and Champa were tributary states. When the
Malacca sultanate sent envoys to China in 1481 to inform them that while returning to Malacca in 1469 from a trip to China, the Vietnamese had attacked them, castrating the young and enslaving them, China still did not interfere with affairs in Vietnam. The Malaccans reported that Vietnam was in control of Champa and also that the Vietnamese sought to conquer Malacca, but the Malaccans did not fight back because of a lack of permission from the Chinese to engage in war. The Ming emperor scolded them, ordering the Malaccans to strike back with violent force if the Vietnamese attacked.[
Tributary system of China - Wikipedia.
we were just “acting” subordinate to please the big Empire. We gave them gifts and usually Emperor of China have to give EVEN MORE BIGGER gifts.
In reality its more of “ok we will call you big bro but don’t bother in our internal politics and stuff. We will give you gifts but we also expect some returns”
China never interfered in Korean governments.
If you said that to Asian historian you WILL be laughed off as biggest idiot of the century.