Should only important Empire be in AOE3?

Hausa are probably the best way to go for the civ since the Fulani came to prominence more towards the end of the time period. But having Sokoto as a proper revolution would have been a good way to make the Fulani have more prominence.

Strawman, hypothetical scenarios, disliking of a new civ and stating it as it was fact when it isn’t and made up criteria. Along with an unnecessary breaking up of the German civ.

1100 - to present day “brief period” :wink:

Also it doesn’t really matter as it is a game, if they feel like improving on some parts they will. But it isn’t 100% vital that the game is 100% historically accurate. It will never be and it shouldn’t either.


What are you arguing against? I simply stated my opinion of what would be a logical and coherent civ criteria. If it was fact, Aztecs and Malta wouldn’t have made it into the game and USA and Mexico would just be very fleshed out revolutions.

You’re the one with strawman arguments. I never once said Malta was not long lasting. They were just never significant other than one major battle and some piracy.

The adventures of some crusaders in 1100 also have nothing to do with the game. They didn’t even rule Malta until 1530. Might as well have Byzantium if that’s your criteria.


I argue that your “logical and coherent criteria” is unnecessary and/or restricts the games potentially new content. But in the end it only matters what the devs do or dont do. At this point it isnt a necessary discussion.

Your disliking of the civ comes across as if you were trying to state facts rather than your opinion. I could be wrong on that?

Also I dont really have a criteria, byzantium isnt being added either, so dont know why you bring it up.

1530-1900s is good enough. I mean they are being added, so it is 100% good enough.

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I’m all for new content, but they are very, very far from exhausting the potential content that fits the theme of the game. For example, a Prussia civ which you say is “unnecessary”, would be a much more appropriate inclusion than Malta.

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Disagree, but heey, we got different opinions about it and it is fine!

Have a good one either way!


People keep on saying it but never explains: what IS the theme of the game that prevents certain civs from getting included?

…I already posted what I think that is in this thread :roll_eyes:

It’s pretty much just conflicts between nations in the Early Modern Period.

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My personal perspective is the following

By necessity the criteria that developers have to make civilizations are.

Economic benefits: For example, malt is much easier to make than any of the African or Asian civilizations.

Attractive to the consumer: The product has to be fun to ensure the highest number of sales possible.

That respects the essence of the game: Although there is no strict time period, new civilizations should not clash with the game, for example there should not be a civilization with technologies from the first or second world war.

Hope this helps answer your question :smile:


That kinda went out the window even with a OG AOE3 civs so no.3 is meaningless.

What original AoE3 civ doesn’t fit those criteria? Germany and India are overly broad but they still contain a distinct core of Austria and the Mughals that could conform to that with a few adjustments.

Saben una cosa? a mi me importa entre poco y nada la cronología, yo compre el juego para entretenerme no para ver un jodido documental, para eso busco uno o me leo un libro de historia, la saga age no fue pensada para que fuera históricamente correcta, fue pensada como un juego con ciertas bases históricas que estimulasen a los jóvenes a aprender sobre historia pero no más allá de eso, o sino el age of empires 2 tendría poquísimas civs y los españoles y portugueses ni deberían estar en el juego por ser muy modernos, es un juego con tintes de ficción y yo aquí les pregunto… conocen el concepto de “Libertad creativa”? estoy seguro que responde bastantes cosas (incluso los juegos RTT como los total war tienen muchísimas fallas históricas)




Of course, it is more an era with kingdoms and empires than simply putting empires as such…

Korea fought against the Japanese at the end of the sixteenth century (1592-1598), against the Jin and Manchu in the seventeenth century (1627-1636) and against the French and Americans in the nineteenth century (1866-1871) so I do not see why they could not be… also to maintain the historical coherence of the saga with choson of aoe 1 and the Koreans of aoe 2…

Japanese invasions of Korea (1592–1598) - Wikipedia

Later Jin invasion of Joseon - Wikipedia

Qing invasion of Joseon - Wikipedia

French expedition to Korea - Wikipedia

United States expedition to Korea - Wikipedia

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All the nations on this map may be in the game…


A vassal like Ryukyu wasn’t independent.

That may be so. There was a Burmese Empire, Emperor of Vietnam, Emperor of Korea and of course the Emperor of Japan. While you may quibble, they were acknowledged as such by other states in the region…

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Not so much.
There are a lot of words that can be translated to “emperor”. At least for Japanese, the word “皇” just means supreme monarch as in Chinese, and also has some religious meanings in it. Both the Chinese and Japanese word (which share the same root in Chinese) are translated as “emperor” but the roles are different in China and Japan, and also different from “emperor” in other parts of the world.

On the other hand, the Pope in simplified Chinese is also translated as “教皇” with the same 皇. But you cannot say the Pope is comparable to an “emperor” (in the Chinese sense) because they have similar names.


Well, just because we chose to translate a title as emperor or king in western language doesn’t necessarily mean that the people from those countries would have made the distinction before the first contact with Europeans…