There are some things in the actual ranked season that I feel that can be better. It would be nice to know what you guys think about. It is just a chill conversation, don’t get offended.
I don’t see the reason to have ranked points and ELO at the same time. Since I started playing, my ELO has been always like 100 points higher than my ranked points. Every time I lose or win, ELO and points increase and decrease almost in the same amount. Just at the beginning of the season when we have no rank but still we have ELO, we can say there is a difference. I think it should be only about ELO
Only Conqueror players lose points when they don’t play (to a minimum of 1400). I feel this kills the ladder. Most people get to the rank they wanted (Diamond I, Conqueror I or whatever) and then just quit RM to play QM and don’t lose their ranks. I have to admit that I did it for some weeks after getting Diamond III and be at the top of my country, then 1 guy reached Conq I. At the end of the season there is almost nobody playing RM because of this. The top 1v1 ladder in my country is basically dead because all people got the rank they wanted and then moved to QM (but they are still active). I think all people from all ranks should get their ELO or ranked points decreased over time (less reduction in lower ranks) but with no minimum. This could make people keep playing RM to stay in the ladder, or be like a “balance” if you haven’t played for a while and you are playing again.
Ranks range feel like a bit outdated. When a game starts, there are no high ELOs because of how the system works. We can notice that AoE2 has ELOs of almost 3000 and AoE 4 maximum y 2350 right now. This game is “new” compared to AoE 2 and has a lot less players. That means there is 750 points/ELO Difference between the “worst” Conq III and the best, while Almost all “Ranks II” are just 50 points away (Platinum II to III, III to Diamond I, Diamond II to III, III to Conq I and so on). I think this should be changed to make ranks a bit wider and cover the entire population, making the people on the same rank to be almost the same level, while ranks are not just 1 lose o win wide. Maybe Bronce 2 could be moved to lower points or Conq III moved to higher points so there is a larger range to put the ranks left.
First rank assigned should not be that high. I started this season with the 5 placement games and got Diamond I and II in 1v1 and TG. There are a lot of players that get their reward in these 5 games and then quit. Maybe if the first ranked is lower, people should have to play far more games and ladder would be active more time.
Some of the best players in my country:
A player who just wanted Diamond I
A player who only wanted Platinum I