Should the Chinese flag be changed?

The Chinese national flag in Age of Empires III is the flag of the Qing Dynasty since 1636, not the flag of the Ming Dynasty since 1368
Among the historical options, China is the Ming Dynasty from 1368 to 1644

This is the flag of the Ming Dynasty

At least the flag in game did exist in history, while this one you post is a fictional one.

Not to mention the leader of Chinese in game is Kangxi, the Ming Dynasty did not have an official national flag. Also, dragon flag is a kind of a traditional flag representing the monarch. So I don’t think the flag in game now should be changed.

reference: 明朝真的有国旗吗? - 知乎


Don’t the villagers have a Taiwanese accent lol? Anyway, the majority of the game period is the Qing dynasty so I think it’s okay.

Most of the civilization flags in this game aren’t accurate for the entire game’s timeframe, as there were changes in dynasties, regimes, and even just simple aesthetical tastes. In this case, the Qing governed China for a considerable period during the timeframe of AOE3, so their flag gets represented as China’s. Similarly, the British have the 1707 Union Jack flag, but this flag only came about in approximately the early Fortress Age (in game terms) and by the Industrial Age (1801), they had changed to the modern British flag. The French use an early version of the royal standard, but by the Industrial Revolution, they should be flying the iconic modern tricolor flag. There are some civilizations who have completely made-up flags, like the indigenous American civilizations like the Aztecs and Haudenosaunee.

I was thinking about making a proposal where flags could evolve through the ages for each civilization, or that the player could be allowed to pick a custom historical flag through their Home City like they do explorers.

Under the first proposition, the British for example:
Flag of England (Exploration, Commerce)

1707 Jack (Fortress)

1801 Jack (Industrial and Imperial)

Or, as per my second proposal, the player could go into a menu and pick any of these flags or others to customize the aesthetic of their civilization.



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Me and ErnestJugend made flag mods for the mod browser, mine doesn’t have the consulate ones but I think ErnestJugend has the templates/WIP ones tho I’m not sure if he’s active right now.

Anyways this sounds like a great suggestion.

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Dude the AI leader literally calls his nation Qing in one of his dialogs… not to mention he is historically Qing Emperor. China in AOE3 is Qing not Ming

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The problem is that there were Ming troops in the Qing Dynasty…

The previous original dubbing felt like foreigners or overseas Chinese speaking Mandarin. The traditional Chinese version of Microsoft Taiwan (most foreigners have never seen it before) dubbed the standard Taiwanese Mandarin, and the new Chinese dubbing of the final version was standard Chinese mainland Mandarin.

In fact it is not.
Although only France, which changed its national flag and country name after the revolution, is more suitable for Napoleon as a leader, the long history of hundreds of years in the game is completely represented by Napoleon alone.
Similarly, the leader of the German civilization is Frederick the Prussian, but Germany in the game is obviously not just Prussia, full of various elements from the territory of the Holy Roman Empire.
China in the game has typical Ming Dynasty elements, such as Tiejun, Changdao (and its shape), ## ##### in the navy, all of which belong to the Ming Dynasty rather than the Qing Dynasty. Not to mention that the in-game campaign is entirely a Ming Dynasty event. So like many other civilizations in the game, Chinese is a civilization, a cultural concept, not a regime. So it is Qing, and it is also Ming.
The only problem is that the Ming Dynasty didn’t have a national flag, because China traditionally saw itself as the only civilized empire in the world, with no civilization on an equal footing, until the Qing Dynasty. Therefore, China’s first real “national flag” is the Yellow Dragon Flag of the Qing Dynasty.

Change China to Ming China will make this civ an incomplete one, since Ming collapsed at 1644, more than 200 years earlier than the end time.
Qing is a dynasty that fits the timeline best.

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Flags are just “iconic of the civ”. There were and are far worse flags in the game that cannot cover the entire time period. In fact there was probably not a single flag that lasted through the game’s time period. There are even flags that are purely fictional like the one for Aztecs.

Just like the AI leader. AOE1 and 2 have a lot of AI leader names (and many still do not fit). AOE3 has unique voice lines and more characteristics so each civ only has one leader, but that does not restrict the civ to that leader’s time period.
Similarly, AOE1 and 2 had (before DE) no civ icons. AOE3 has icons (flags) just to give more flavor. It does not restrict the civ to that flag’s time period either.
Not to mention units/cards are even more mixed up.

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The old aoe3 yes. But in DE the accents was corrected. However in real history people spoke all sorts of dialects and accents it is impossible to be true to history

Nope. The previous original dubbing felt like foreigners or overseas Chinese speaking Mandarin. The traditional Chinese version of Microsoft Taiwan dubbed the standard Taiwanese Mandarin, and the new Chinese dubbing of the final version was standard Chinese mainland Mandarin.