I wasn’t around for the nuke nerfs that apparently happened to Siege earlier on in AoE4, but they seem agonizing to play with right now. They are all incredibly slow, none of them seem to serve any purpose besides shooting down walls, and the variety from Ribauldequin to the french Cannon seems arbitrary.
Nest of Bees stands out as being a stronger Mangonel obviously. And, it looks cool (which the rest don’t).
Why is it that the Ribauldequin costs 1000 resources and shoots in a straight line? The model is literally a cone.
Why does the French Cannon actually also have a miniscule packing time even though it is not meant to? And why is it that it has an inconsistent splash ability that can only be used once per new patch?
Why does the Bombard do no splash damage? I get that this is meant for walls and Keeps, but the unit costs 1000 resources for gods sake. It feels so one dimensional and sad for something that is meant to be the best of the best unit you can buy with resources. Make the Trebuchet the stronger Wall buster, and make a Bombard a bit more generalized to give the advantage to those that holds more of them. Sounds busted? it should be.
Why do both Springald and Culverin feel like completely unnecessary units? Yea, I understand that they exist for the purpose of destroying siege units. But, they feel like artificial parasites that only exist for that purpose. Why can’t the Springald and Culverin also function as an AoE2 scorpion in addition to being Siege killers?
The Great Bombard is great. But, if you ask me, the regular Bombards should’ve been more like it. I don’t have any issues with the Great Bombard, it even follows terrain unlike every other siege unit in the game (how is this not fixed?)
Overall Siege feels completely deflating. It doesn’t help that AoE4 heavily favours the Archer/Horseman/Spearman gameplay, making it feel like that is all there is. How sad is that while a 40 min AoE4 game, you are effectively doing the same thing as you were 20 mins into it, while in any other RTS, players have upgraded to special end game units that have fun and unique abilities?
As of right now, it does not feel like you can really “play” with Siege units. They’re all one dimensional and hollow. Please take a look at siege once more. It should not be as mundane as it currently is. People that complain about the game being too defensively oriented are mistaken in that the issue is actually Siege being too weak and uninteresting.