Siege rework should also fix late game spam

I just played a match and springalds did 0 damage to canons this might be a bug

In the PUP, cavalry is now the hard counter to siege. Ranged and melee infantry units also do more damage than they used to. Springalds are no longer anti-siege.

But it literally did 0 damage there must be a definetly bug.

I think they can miss.

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But cavalary against ribauldequin, or janissary + GB and now against siege + spearmen is ineffective

But let’s see how it will be in practice.

I think they also tweaked the janissary, so not sure there, but vs siege + spear we’ll need to test. It’s either your own Mangonels focusing on the spears, or dodging Mangonel shots with ranged units until you get close and then kill the spears with them.

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How are we gonna kill siege from range now siege units is a must in game i hope it works nicely.There wasnt anything wrong with siege why did they changed it?

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Also big springald problem its projectile ends whrere its aimed,it passes units but you need to aim to behind of the units so it can pass and damage them.Springald misses fire too which is bad i think.Now we cant take siege with range what are we gonna do now?

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A lot of people hated siege, both casuals and pros. The moment the opponent had 4-5 Mangonels, you couldn’t engage anymore and had to build Springalds. Then the game turned into Springalds vs Springalds, and whoever wins this mini-game wins the fight because their siege would be uncontested. Also when someone got several Mangonels the game would slow down significantly. So they’re making siege less oppressive, and more similar to how it works in AoE2. And they’re also making it more microable, which I think it’s very fun.


You are right, really needed to change. Let’s try the new siege before making comments

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Problem is when the enemy come to destroy your buildings with trebs you have no choice but to just watch now.

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Cavalry has more bonus against siege

And it was about time the game was more aggressive :wink:

Cav has bonus damage but enemy will have army waiting for you and when its body blocked your cav you can watch your buildings go down.
Also springald doesnt work as intended i think it should have fixed attack range so when it attacks at closer range it can pass the units even they are close.

This I agree with. It might be hard to counter a bunch of Trebs that shoot from behind a Keep in Age 3. In Age 4 you have extra range on Archers which might help, and Bombards/Culverins. But in Castle Age, having the enemy shoot with Trebs from a Keep’s safety might be very strong. You’ll need your own Trebs to shoot his Keep, but you might not have a Keep of your own to stop his army from assaulting your siege.

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Surprised no one here has mentioned the ranged armor change on siege. They take 2 damage from all archers in castle age, and they deal less damage in an area.

I’ve already played games where archers/crossbows target fire the mangonel to kill it in 2-3 volleys. Imperial longbowmen have no counter now, 9 range 14 damage… so they outrange the mango by 1 and hit it for 3.5

There is so much wrong with this meta change… good luck killing great bombards with no ranged counter siege option!

It’s a snowball meta now, total failure from a balance perspective.

Just watch the stupidity of these changes in real time:

8 longbows kill 3 mangos, take very little damage and lose nothing. Absolutely busted, good lord.

Horsemen have bonus vs Janis in this PuP.

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Theoretically it is the cavalry and yes, that upgrade greatly strengthens the English, making the siege not do its job.

Damn, that’s me in the video.

I would love to see it in action. So far from the games I’ve played as ottoman or against it there is very little to do when massing the army around the siege, body blocking it, or building palisade walls to entrench the position.

I invite you to recreate real battles, in the game my name is the same except “90”.