Simón Bolívar - Gran Colombia Card & Peru upon revolting?

Hi guys,

I just wanted to ask here if anyone knows why Peru gets Simón Bolívar automatically upon revolting and Gran Colombia has to ship him via a Home city card? Have the devs ever explained this? Wouldn’t it make more sense to have Simón Bolívar appear for Gran Colombia & be a Home City card for Peru?


Probably balance? IDK. xD

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Why not swap it around? Starts for Gran Colombia & gets shipped in for Peru?

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Its a balance thing, but might reflect the following historical fact.

Peru only revolted because of the support and insistence of Bolivar, which drained the coffers of Grand Colombia to finance a revolutionary army and stayed there for a long time (it kinda was bolivar’s pet project).

While in Grand Colombia Bolivar was the main gear for revolution (both in Venezuela and Grand Granada), but not the only one - only the most relevant/most sucessful.


I Think Peru revoltoso is OP, I have played a Lot against Spain (20 mins trety) and every time they use the Peru Revolt, because of the granadiers and of Course because Simon Bolivar allready comes with it, this should be removed ASAP!

Just hold the rush and then counterattack. Peru is one of the most viable revolts (in par with argentina brasil and south africa) nerfing it would make the revolution totally unviable.

Also, in the end of the 20 mins you are on imperial age with at least one or two fully upgraded units. If you did this correctly you are perfectly capable of holding a simple peruvian guard push

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