Sipahi - Get Rid Of Area of Effect

You forgot
“Added 5 hp to jans”


I do not believe in changing a unit that has been here since 2005. The problem is that they are now too easy to obtain.

Nerfing the Ottoman eco is the best way imo. In the old days ottomans had good units but really bad eco. Now it’s just way too easy to 3 TC boom or do FI.

Im down with that soultion too I just hope things are fixed. Like you said its fairly easily to get 3 shipments of siphai in one game. 3 shippments + 3 tcs + be in industrial around the 15 min mark is crazy

Its a homecity unit. AOE attack is the only thing that makes it special. And its expensive. It cost a shipment and 800-1000 food to get out


No. There are better ways to nerf sipahi than remove fundamental design aspects. Simply increasing food cost or changing it to gold would suffice. I can understand otto are frustrating to play against, but let’s not get overboard.


you could just make them scale off age 2 stats as a start, like we did with the french


I honestly can’t tell if you think they should get nerfed or buffed based on this comment.

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Vividly is obviously right that Sipahi are not as good as Sennar because they can be trained with other civs and have 1k HP and obliterate Artillery and even hardcounter the weak Abus and Humbaraci units due to siege resist.

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Buffed honestly, they can’t fully execute their duty and get kited by light cavalry which is most op unit in game due to speed. Maybe giving 1 or 2 speed extra to Sipahi could solve this Issue and since Deli are not elite units like Sipahi give them half so +2 for Sipahi and +1 for Deli


I know youre a troll. Go put 5 sennar vs sipahi and see what wins. Then do 5 sennar vs 30 muskets and see what wins. Then do the same with the siaphi. You’ll see the latter wins every time. I dont want to ## # #### but I dislike the lack of objective honesty. You clearly have a vested interest in sipahi staying broke. Judging by the response to the op it seems like many people feel negativity to the siphai. Please run these test and post them before making bold claims

The point of the Ottoman civ is:

  1. Their powerful but archaic military, so I oppose nerfing their military units. So Sipahis I think are fine just the way they are
  2. They are the “Sick Man of Europe” by the era of AoE 3, so their economy is supposed to be their weakest point which somehow the dev seems to fix instead.
    So it’s obvious that Ottoman’s economy that needs to be nerfed, not the Sipahis.

You should understand that there’s a lot of memes here about buffing otto because it was steadily buffed for a large number of patches in a row despite its high win rate and elo inflation. Those jokes are not landing here, clearly. Spahi having aoe is probably not the primary issue with the civ,

I would focus more on the addition of unnecessary units and shipments that have completely removed any prior weaknesses, the random buff to their minutemen without reason, random LOS bonus on artillery, their improved economic options, massive wood crate start, their new shipments to make every unit cheaper (for some reason), nizam/bombard church techs being way too cheap. Oh, and their solid ageup times (I personally would advocate for removing the 1000c shipment, I think that would go a long long way to nerfing their FI bs). They also don’t need bombards to train at the factory faster than any other heavy artillery. They definitely don’t need a gren that is 4.5 speed (I hate the unit design generally but 4.5 speed is the thing that really grinds my gears). Azap definitely don’t need to exist. or be 4.5 speed. Abus need to deal ranged dmg instead of siege or otherwise rebalanced.

I could go on for another paragraph or two probably, but spahi aren’t really the inherent issue. On TAD they were almost never used, literally it was a shock to see them in a deck. I was one of the only people I know who utilized them in that era, and I rarely played otto since their eco was glacial prior to DE and I didn’t enjoy the civ much after a few games with them. My nerf of choice would be to revert them back to 10% ranged armour.


Abus dealing ranged damage ruins the uniqueness of it. It is my firm opinion that Ottoman economy should be completely and utterly destroyed by nerfs. But their military should remain as strong as it is.

Just don’t allow them to train so much so quickly.

putting a penalty against everything that moves does the same thing


I’ll just refer to what @dansil92 wrote and the same is obviously the case for Vividly

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I think giving Sipahi a negative multiplier against heavy infantry would still keep them rather strong, and they’d fulfill the same role as they do now, while making them less effective against a melee hard counter.

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