Sipahi - Get Rid Of Area of Effect

Why does Sipahi have area of effect damage? Devs please take away the area of effect damage to this unit. It is broken with it. That’s all I ask.

The Sennar horsemen don’t have AOE, and they are virtually the same thing. So please make it fair devs. Thank you


Sipahi have 3/4 cost,pop and HP but damage is slightly higher and with Area effect and they have regeneration - how is that fair?

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Do you think the sipahi is broken? (the unit itself, without considering the context)

  • Yes
  • No
0 voters

Under what circumstances is it broken? (1vs1, Sipahi team, etc.) Explain in what situation.

But Sennars are trainable and SIPAHI were already nerfed unreasonably with a higher kill bounty. To obtain SIPAHI, OTToman players must spend expensive shipments which cost food and/or invest in expensive MOSQUE Techs just to get a limited supply of SIPAHI.

SIPAHI need their AOE damage to kill clumped up pikeman and halbs and musks in melee and masses of dragoons if you’re lucky enough to catch them. Much like abus need to have their high DPS and AOE damage to kill high range resistance units like the fearsome CACADORE!

How would it be FAIR to remove such a feaTure?


They have always been insanely good. The issue isn’t that they are broken, they always have been. The issue is all the other wildly op units along with buffs to the civ and it’s late game.

it would be horribile to remove it - maybe @AssertiveWall20 can help even suggesting some buffs


I’m not going to give my opinion this time. I’m not even going to vote in my own poll XD.

I guess you’re being ironic, but is your vote genuine? XD

I am 100% opposed to fundamentally changing this legacy unit by removing its area of effect attack.


The omly thing i think thats broken is the AOE. It just not needed. I’ve watched too many games end by just 5 units deleting 30ish units. Its just too much. The sennar horsemen are just as tanky but without the AOE and they are fine. They can win games and but sometimes they arent enough. But with the siphai they cant be killed. No unit can handle them.

I think the only people opposed are ottoman mains. I hope the devs realize this. Those that obuse them will never advocate for balencing. Im not asking for reductions of them in shipments, or for them to cost more, or lower their attack, or anything really. Just make them kill-able by taking away the AOM. Ive watched them kill 30 anti cav units like butter its just too much.

Who do you think are the OTToman mains?

Yes indeed, we should.

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If we get rid of the Sipahi trample damage then why not from the French Cuirassier as well (unit is easier to spam from multiple stables and French have insane and way better eco than Ottomans)?

Without Trample damage then what reason you have to spend food on their shipments to only get a tanky Heavy cavalry without nothing?

why not nerf Otto in other ways?

Ok after checking the stats, instead of getting rid of trample damage why not reduce it from 3 to 2? or give them multipliers vs Infantry but lower damage multiplier vs heavy infantry so you don’t run into situations of Sipahis killing Heavy Infantry and make Otto players more careful before sending them vs Heavy Infantry?

next patch:
→ spahi lose area of effect
→ deli gain area of effect


I have been playing AoE III for a long time (starting with the Demo and then vanilla AoE III from the month it first came out) and I don’t want units fundamentally changed regardless of what civilization uses them. I would easily rather reduce how many Sipahi you get from shipments then fundamentally change them by removing area of effect attacks. You make that change to the unit I will never use them outside of the Church tech that will improve my other Cavalry.

Ottoman aren’t even close to my favorite civilization. France was and still is my favorite vanilla AoE III civilization because I like their economy and ability to defend early with Coureur des Bois.
When The War Chiefs expansion came out Sioux became my favorite civilization and still are to this day even in AoE III DE.
When The Asian Dynasties came out China became my favorite and still is my favorite of the Asian civilizations. Those 3 civilization for example I like more then Ottomans as well as a number of other civilization too both in legacy and DE versions of the game.

The only people opposed are not Ottoman mains and I absolutely hate people that think like you with I don’t like what I hear so I will try to disregard what they say somehow.

Spahi were fine when the rest of the civ was balanced around Spahi being op. They are hard to obtain and it worked.

Unfortunately, the other parts of the civ have been buffed and the weaknesses that once kept Ottomans in check have largely been removed.

You’re incorrect about it only being Ottoman mains who oppose this. I’ve been a vocal supporter of nerfs to the Ottomans for a long while and I disagree with your suggestion here. I won’t link to too much, but I made a thread a while back: Ottoman’s Historical weaknesses have been removed


You must not know about sennar. They cost 1000 inflence to send which is harder to collect than food. And they dont have AOE. Addtionally there is only 1 card for them as opposed to ottos which have 3 sipahi cards I believe. They can not be trained on every map and cost 300 influence which cost only 200 less than a cannon. So your comparison really only proves why siphai are so broken. I think only otto mains have a problem with eliminating AOE.

And I think players like you realize its one of the most unbeatable units in the game which is why you want to protect it. Youre not approaching the situation from an objective standpoint. In reality eliminating AOE is not a huge nerf.

I mean I agree fully. If you want to dolve the problem by making the shipment 3 siphai instead of 5 im fine with that. If you want to get rid of AOE and keep the shippment at 5, im fine with that too. I just hope the devs do something about it. They’re unbeatable and with how well ottos turtle its very easy for players to ship all 3 siphai cards within 15 mins which destroy any army you could possibly throw at it on top of age IV mega cannons.

Id be down with that suggestion. Just something so they dont gobble up every unit like gram crackers no matter if the unit is anti cav or not.

This is Nightmare fuel