Sir William Wallace Hero Skin in AoEIII

(warning I am High Functioning Autistic so please be civil)

I’d love to see a revamped Sir William Wallace from Age of Empires II get added as a hero skin in AoE III for the British. Please :pray:

I know it might not be everyone’s favorite thing but I love the hero skins in AoE III and Sir William Wallace is a genuine hero of mine. I’d love to be able to use him in game

Just to get this out we have a Roman Centurion, a Bear in a pink skirt, and an astronaut as heroes in game so I think bringing Sir William Wallace to the game wouldn’t be an issue


I think that is a valid suggestion as a novelty skin in, as you’ve mentioned, the same vein as the Centurion.

Even as a novelty I would want it to look like him and not the Hollywood version though! He didn’t look like a rough, kilted Barbarian. He just looked like a typical Knight from the British isles! (Below is more a latter image, but it gets away from kilted dirty warrior!)

Just to emphasise - no kilt, zilch kilt, nada kilts. Kilts were invented during AoE3 timeline - not medieval!

Also, he’d be turning in his grave being the ‘figurehead’ for English as well as the Scots! :laughing:


Thank you! And I know, it kills me that he would be a “British” hero but the name of my capital is Edinburgh in game and so I roleplay the British as Scotland. This would just help. And I 100% agree, absolutely no kilt! I’m a proud Scot and love my kilt but he did NOT wear one. I’ve also been studying Sir William Wallace and the First Scottish War of Independence for 16 years lol so fingers crossed! Thank you for leaving a great comment!


i fully support this suggestion, if bear in skirt can work, than so can this

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Awesome! Thank you very much! And yeah since they added a bear in a skirt I’m pretty sure any historical human is on the table at this point lol :joy: Thank you again!

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What a coincidence! yesterday I told my girlfriend that today I was thinking of going back to see my favorite movie, Braveheart.

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Very nice!!! I hope you enjoy!

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I want a warrior/priest type skin like that guy from vikings bishop heamund, that would be cool.

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That would also be pretty cool!

I think it would be an amazing Age of Empires anniversary event to put out some hero skins from AoE2 as explorers for AoE3. Wallace, Richard the Lionheart, or Edward Longshanks for the British, Joan of Arc for France, Frederick Barbarossa for Germany, Yodit for the Ethiopians, etc. That’d be really cool.


I’d also to suggest a more ‘modern’ Explorer skin…

Dr Livingstone.

“Dr. Livingstone, I presume?”

A British (Scottish!) 19th century explorer who was very much against slavery - he makes rather a good choice for an explorer skin and one that would give us the classic British Victorian Explorer look!


another one that’d fit, captain james cook, there’s a crap ton of material available on this


And skins of all the AI for their respective explorer…

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Yes, just yes lol that’s all I can say!

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I would also love to see Captain Cook, I think that would be great!


I named my British explorer James Cook :stuck_out_tongue:


Very nice Mate! I named my American explorer John Paul Jones

Are you by chance william wallace in game?

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I’m not quite sure what you mean mate lol

There is a in game player who goes by william wallace i played with yesterday. I was curious if you are by chance.him.