Skirm/Goon vs Musk/Hussar - Shadowtech

Could you imagine how game would change if skirms and goons had to upgrade their units to veteran instead of shadowtech when doing an FF? is it really fair that musk/hussar has to spent 400 wood and 400 gold but the boring skirm/goon players have veteran units? What u think?


I could be quite down for that.

Also, on a completely aesthetic level, it would be nice to have non-upgraded Dragoons with a new early skin (skirms already have this due to the Dutch). Would be a nice tell-tale sign that your opponent has neglected upgrading them to Vet when you see some old-fashioned looking Drags/Skirms running around.


I don’t really see an issue here. Skirms and Goon equivalents that are available in age 2 need to research veteran upgrades. Heavy infantry and cavalry available in age 3 also skip veteran.

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because you can mass them in age2


I would like trainable skirmishes in age 2 to start at -2 or -4 range, but bring it back with the upgrade to the ‘Anti-Infantry Rifles’ arsenal. For example, the Dutch, who in age 2 have a guerrilla with a range of 20, find it very easy to entrench themselves.