Skirmish crashes immediately after starting claiming "You are Victorious"

  • Game Version: v.100.18.419.0 (5247077R)

  • Build Number: ?

  • Platform: Steam

  • Operating System: Windows 11


(please provide a detailed description of the issue)
(use the upload button to include a picture or video of the issue in action if possible)

Almost immediately after starting a “Skirmish” match, the game ends saying “you are victorious!” This happens literally within a minute of starting.

Trigger Event:

(what was happening at the time of the performance/stability issue)
(this could be an action you or another player took right before the issue started)

Simply beginning to gather resources at the start of a skirmish match against a single hard AI 1v1. Happened 3 times in a row on 3 separate maps. I hard closed the game, started it back up, and same issue.

Repro Steps:

  1. (List the steps needed to reproduce the issue)
    i. Start skirmish match
    ii. wait 30 seconds
  2. (Indicate if you were able to reproduce this, to help us identify frequency of the issue)
    Happened 3 times in a row. I haven’t been able to get a skirmish to work yet.
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Hi, are you allied with the AI players?

Hi @Fantana, thank you for the report. Could you please share a screenshot of your skirmish lobby screen?

both you and the player 2 are allied that’s why this is happening, you can see the team score next to the individual scores for evidence

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I have same problem :joy:

That’s totally it! Very silly mistake. Would be great if the game simply couldn’t start or if there was an alert that let you know there were no enemies to prevent this in the future.

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