[Small Balance Suggestion] Re-introduce Wolves in maps

it holds them back because predators were reduced, and like op mentioned other civs can have forward vils with less risk, which this strategy would be more of a problem for other civs had those predator count remained as it was.

originally the wild animals duplicates, as per sotl video it shows wolves get stronger too if you dont defeat them, all were intended. honestly even if it weren’t its always good to look for things to add as long as it doesn’t deviate too much. magyar has 1 hit predator bonus, they should put more predators in it, at least spread out predators on some maps that give magyar some advantage.

if the 1 hit bonus is removed, then most bonuses will be related to eco or stats buff and thats quite boring. not that im against hunting last 20% longer, I just prefer predator bonus instead.

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Mongols and Lithuanians have ONLY dark age eco bonus, and they don’t have military bonus before castle age.

Mayans and Aztecs are Meso civs and they don’t have scout means their military in Feudal is worse than other civs.

Only Franks are exception and they have highest winrate.

Anyway, my original post is not for Magyars. Re-introduce wolves can make laming with forward villager difficult than before and it can be a solution for civ with strong dark/early Feudal age (Goths, Incas, Aztecs) less overpower. Also, it can be give magyars bonus meaningful.

faster moving trash for Lithuanians

mayans have cheaper archers
aztecs have faster production
all of these civs are currently top tier civs in the game.

i mean if you’re going solely based on aoestats then i could easily point at goths then.

Their faster moving trash gives lithuanians a slight edge in some feudal battles they are not exactly having a strong feudal age. If you were to remove the food bonus, noone would think of them having a strong feudal.
aztecs dont have any significant dark age bonus unless they want to perform a drush.
mayans have a bonus, yes, but both aztecs and mayans need to make up for the lack or scouts. Sure they are still top tier, but without those bonuses their feudal age would just be terrible.

faster moving trash?