Small crossbow nerf?

I’ll give you some hint so you can start thinking properly too:

players at mid elo should improve themselves so they can micro and lose less

And sometimes people indicate that there should be alot of focus on micro( which isnt bad) that deviates them from other important things and in chances taking too much focus on micro still make them loose alot

on higher levels of play though this game becomes Age of Crossbows, when everyone plays crossbows in castle age except for spanish and bulgarians for obvious reasons. even civs with good knights still play crossbows/archer line cause they are so massively strong while not affecting your uptime or vill creation. also archer line upgrade cost like nothing compared to other units and the amount of strenght you gain from them.

if you nerf archers, say by +5 wood cost, just as an example, “vast majority of players” would still not play them well cause the problem is learn timing and micro and not the strenght or cost of the unit, so it would not change in that regard. meanwhile, we could actually see a meta shift on higher levels, since by now should be quite boring to see xbows vs xbows basically every game…

Archers are just the best feudal units. Most of the time we still transition into knights in castle age.
Yes if it is possible, the xbow powerspike can be used very effectively, but that doesn’t change something about the power of knights.

The game is just designed around certain units are the best at different ages. Archers in Feudal, knights in castle, HCA in imp. And ofc all units also have some neat powerspikes to work with, especially the archer line has these powerspikes in early castle and imp.

But no, even on high level the game isn’t just dominated by archer play. It’s just not true.

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look at basically every tournaments game, and you’ll see players go for xbows in castle age like 9 times out of 10. even with something like franks or sicilians or other cav civ, still xbows and only later switch eventually into cav, but basically every civ that has xbows and bodkin arrows is played as archer in high level of play.

this is not for saying that knights cannot compete, it’s just that xbows are super strong cause you can mass them early, can damage opponent at range, not delay your uptime and vills, cost very few to upgrade…they are basically insane in castle age when you learn how to split micro mangonels and all others tricks

this is absurd i agree. BUT it’s only a very small minority of players who can do this.
And we need to tackle that by the roots and not by nerfing xbows somewhere completely unrelated.

tbf, the archer line upgrade cost is like laughably cheap. it’s basically a no brainer. and really it’s not that hard to learn to micro archers against mangos. i can do it, and i’m not a good player lol. also aside from mangos every other counter to archer is somewhat “light”. skirms do not kill them that fast and you can always outmicro them since they fire slower and get back to recover, while knights cav are much harder

i mean there is a reason why pros always go for archer/xbows/arbs when they can…

i’m sure there is a way to nerf archers for pros without impacting lower level too much, but at the end of the day, i much rather have a fun and diverse high level meta, and nerfing archer won’t change the lower level meta while helping the higher one, but that might just be my personal taste

there is a big difference between “theoretically” being able to evade the shots and practically doing it in a real match.

infact, i sayd i can do it in a real game. of course it gets harded as more small fights between archers and mangos come up but it’s not THAT hard to do, it’s just 1 button to press. then enters the counter-micro of the opponent who can maybe predict the dodge and attack-ground and still kill you, and that’s good play from them

obviously mangos do remain a counter to archers by simply being a huge menace that focus all your attentions and micro, but still, crossbows are player every game above a certain elo rate

i think that simply increase the archer line upgrade cost would hurt their timing potential and make them less dominant, while not hurting lower level that much since efficiency in your eco isn’t optimal anyway to abuse the powerspike properly aniway

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Nah I doubt that 11. I have good reasons for that but let’s don’t continue with this useless discussion.

I would actually ever so slightly BUFF XBows, maybe by increasing the effect of TR minimal. But in the exchange increase the cost of the upgrades or anything else to reduce these powerspikes we are talking about.

And I would do something for mangonels so it is harder to dodge their shots.

these both seem like good changes but i simply do not think TR need any kind of buff tbh, since it also impact that many units and its already super strong, but still, if its atthe cost of an overall nerf to xbows play and some meta shifts, i’m all for it

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I just play KTS like that and im above 1.6k 1v1 !..
So friend ?

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