Small patch got released

In case anyone has missed it


“Increased the Mercenary Contract research time from 0 to 10 seconds to allow for adjustment in case of a mis-click.”

Something tells me that they don’t want to say the real reason, I feel not many people mis click to be a big issue needed to be fixed. I think they wanted to nerf this, due to over buffing it in the last patch but doesn’t want all the complaints from the community.


Nah it is very easy to misclick and be locked in to that contract for the entire game, it happens and can mean the difference between winning or losing. 10 seconds isn’t really going to make much difference otherwise and nobody is even doing the supposedly broken hippodrome rush strat, most people still go winery.

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I agree with your take, this was a nerf disguised as a QoL change. If they really wanted to make it QoL then make it 3s, or 5s MAX.

The thing was it wasn’t instantaneous. You had a split sec to cancel a misclick, this is why I’m convinced 3-5s is moreeee than enough time to cancel said misclick.
10s is a nerf!¡!!!

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Perhaps many people mis click on that but I doubt it to be honest. I think this was a nerf in disguised.

If it was it is a tiny nerf and probably a pretty inconsequential nerf, it isn’t like you’ll be making constant mercs at that point and each subsequent batch is out faster.

In fact, I think it’s a good idea. I really am sometimes afraid of choosing wrong or rushing in, when the best thing is to choose the right contract. With this at least I am sure that I have not clicked by accident or by “hot key”, clicking on the wrong contract.

Well, and maybe it gives the opponent 10 extra seconds to defend against Keshiks’ rush.

Longbowman (S1) and “Men-at-Arms” (S5): Im a Joke to you?

Hahaha, I didn’t expect that. I suppose that following the example of the Byzantines and their ########### Expilatores, the English now have the skill for their explorers.

“Do you remember the time these camps gave “Regeneration” to the longbowmen?” What a time those were.

Now that I think about it better… perhaps it was an excuse for the 3 European civs of Infantry, Cavalry and Archers to have some kind of “Regeneration” in the Feudal age (Chivalry, Prelates, Campment + Kings Abbey), how curious, no? ?



Now this makes me want to play English.


I hope for some compensation in the future. I’m still going to continue demanding a 3rd Build for Joan DArc heroine as Support.

Well, in theory it is a way to further separate the Joan civ from the French, any change that makes the differences between variants and parent civ more unique, if it has historical support, I guess it will be good.

“I GUESS”, because if her Nerf it too much, then in a future don’t complain that JoanDArc comes with a new unit or technology the next season to rebalance (New Unit: “La Hire, hehe”)

I guess this encourages marine aggression while allowing you to continue producing villagers.


It’s really cool that we have a new patch to make fine adjustments in such a short time, without having to wait a month. This shows that the game is being well looked after.