Dear developers, the fun on your part is over.
More needs to be done on your part.
There are a lot of negative posts on the forum and on Stem!
Mobile game
Why $ 60.
Bad animations.
Sizes of buildings, weapons, etc.
It is necessary to show something positive.
We haven’t seen a game video in all this time.
Why not make a live PvP 1x1 video, for example.
This could help with both pre-orders and more positive messages on the forum.
They at least need to show confidence in the product, and do an actual demonstration of it, with a 1v1 match, in which they explain mechanics by playing.
All this secrecy, is damaging the game, and making comparisons to DoW3 very relevant.
The developers are clearly not confident enough to show a 1vs1 match. If they are, they would already show us one to shut all the complaint about graphic. Not to mention the landmarks might feel very MOBA-like (which remind us of DoW3)
I agree. In a moment the game comes out and what we know almost nothing.
Such a large studio and does not have the courage to show a game video or live match PvP 1x1.
I would just like to point again, that a $60 price was rather expected since day one. The game is supposed to be a triple A, the flagship of a branded franchise and of a giant publisher. But what was also expected, was some very high quality that would make fans and no fans alike look at the trailers, screenshots and released information with awe and anticipation.
That never happened. And when not even your promotional material is able to do that, concerns about the game itself are more than justified.
Asking for a price change seems futile to me. I would gladly pay the $60 or more if the game could convince me into it. But I never would if it looked like a disappointment (and here comes the importance of the graphical quality). The efforts should rather focus on reworking and improving what’s already on the table - or adding more things on the table rather than asking for a price change.
As long as the last 2 civs have not been presented in detail, I do not believe that a closed beta will take place.
But strange is, why after such a long time, no show match is shown between the first 4 civs, which in principle should be fully developed.
To be honest, the developers have to show something at gamescom at the latest, otherwise it doesn’t cast a good light on the development of the game so far. To be fair, I’m pretty sure this will happen.
The only question which i have… will it really take until gamescom or will there be new information about the game before that?
I remember Rome 2 Totalwar launch. Ca released pre alpa scenes with game but they dont show any thing about game and then Rome 2 total war … up. Game was not finished and not good. They hyped up the fans so they sought the game with bugs, no mechanics. I am suspicious that age of 4 will be another disaster.
I would pay much more than 60$ if it were a really good game. The amount of entertainment value I have gotten out of AOE3 even buying a few times was a great buy. But that was a rare game that got me like no other, will love playing it forever.
But Unlike other AOE games I wont jump blindly into AOE4… its a new studio with a new vision, like how so many corporations have bought up other titles and ruined them or revived them. They didn’t even put crew on siege, or seemingly add mercenaries and stuff so makes me wonder how much I will play it… though I may love watching it on twitch, and am excited about its potential as there are some cool new things like how siege and wall ware fare may work out.
holding off final judgements as I know many things will/ may change by release time.
While I do agree with the statement on a technical level, take a moment to consider that AoE4’s competition in the polls are its decades old predecessors. Yes, DE refreshed the visuals and the graphics, but it’s sprite based eye-candy on a 20 year old engine. A poll asking whether the game has a $60 game’s graphics, or comparing it to other recent AAA games would be a more accurate representation of how people are feeling about it.