So they killed AoE3 btw

After a scam DLC announcement, they cancelled the DLC and all future patches to the game


I’ve always been a AoM “main”, but I always loved AoE 3 as well and play it each 3 or 4 months. Is my 2nd favorite of the franchise. This treatment is really disappointing.


Business is business. This is very good news for AOM. 1 single dev team spread over 2 games is probably too complicated to make serious progress on DLC while maintaining a high standard of quality.

So we can hope they’ll concentrate on AOM DLC from now on, I suppose they know it’ll be more profitable for them, free to abandon ship aoe3.


No, it isn’t good news. AoM has lower player counts so you should be worried it’ll get dropped as soon as they’ve completed the DLC they already committed to with pre-orders.


@AssertiveWall20 It doesn’t matter as long as players come back and pay for the DLC. It can still be very profitable for them. There may be a majority of cyclical players, who play the game and pay just for the time of a DLC, a bit like WoW I sometimes paid for each of the expansions and only ended up playing it for a month each time.

That doesn’t mean that the game is a failure. What’s more, the number of players at the moment doesn’t mean that the game will be less profitable than aoe3, which was once again free to play and therefore on the decline, whereas aom is a new game.

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Yeah, the last year of the game was summed up in two flags, radio silence and then just killing both games…the original 3 and the 3 DE…

It was the AoE3 team first, so that’s a rude way of putting it.


This is good news for AoM?

In what universe is this good news for aom, you are aware the player number for AoM is lower than for AoE III right? AoM is built on the same engine as AoE III as well, I think this is disastrous news for AoM personally.


It’s pure cope to say that substantially more players will return to buy a DLC when less people are playing the game. However you spin it, WE doesn’t think 5-7k players is enough to warrant even a skeleton crew of developers. AoM sold DLC as part of the preorders, but after that runs out there’s not really any argument for why they would make more.


You are completely in another world Dude
When is telling you all of this is good news for Retold when the game currently flops in concurent players?


You have no idea what you’re talking about. a good portion of the player base is shared between aom and aoe3, so canning aoe3 will make that portion of the player base think twice about investing into AOM, this means lower sales for AOM.

My expectation is that they will axe AOM after the china DLC comes out.

Also probably aoe3 DLC got canned because AOM flopped and didn’t achieve the expected sales and player counts. Yeah, good luck.


Ah, all the doomsday preachers are back on the forum! I’m sorry but yes it’s good news for AOM from a development point of view, it’s better to have a dev team focused on one game than 2, it’s just pure logic.

You clearly do not understand the development point of view.
But anyway, the decision to kill aom was probably already taken. But they cannot make it official until the china preordered dlc comes out. Otherwise it could be a little sticky for them.


We should all be worried, if AOM doesn’t get better numbers they will do the same after the dlc is completed, aom is losing numbers FAST, if the dlc doesn’t improve they’ll keep aoe4 and aoe2

  1. Don’t selling numbers count and wasn’t AoM one of the best selling steam games at release?
  2. Ppl payed already for two civs. So no matter what happens (I think it only can get better and player numbers will be relative stable now) they will and have to release the two civs (Chinese and X) after that let’s see. Some are really negative here but didn’t AoE3 got a bunch of support and DLCs through the years already?
  3. AoM is in fact the newest title why should they stomp it just after not even a year or so?? Ppl have interest it just needs more content and a bit better/more advertising (maybe even more tournaments but I am not an e-sport guy personally)
  4. We don’t know anything for certain. Mine are also speculations as some guys “black drawing” as we in Germany say.

But I understand the negative feelings some here have. I just think some are way too drastic.


I think a lot of people are over interpreting the player numbers going down from their peak just after release, and continuing to go down.
But the same thing happened with AoE2 until it stabilized, the same thing happened with AoE3 until it stabilized, the same thing happened with AoE4 until it stabilized.

For every Age game, there is a stable amount of players that keep on playing, and will continue to play for years. But they won’t generate money for the developers. They don’t pay rent to play the the game, they bought the game. They paid the exact same amount of money as those who played it for the first two weeks after release and then moved on to the next game, and won’t be thinking about it anymore.
Some of them will pick up the game again for another couple days when each DLC comes out they preordered, but that won’t make them pay more money either.
The number of times the game is bought, minus the number of times it is refunded, multiplied by their share of the price of the game, that’s the money they get. That doesn’t increase or decrease if only a portion of buyers play the game on a regular basis.

People generally trust Steam reviews, and AoM Retold currently has very positive ones.


it actually didn’t happen like this with aoe2, aoe2 line was fairly flat in the start and then went up big time, the rest had sharp drop at first couple weeks, aom retold has yet to stabilize properly which should alarm AOM folk about potential canning being a real possibility that may not be how it ends up going, but its the fact that its already a possibility that should ring the alarm bells

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I will also say there is a bit of a difference between AOM and AOE3 that people aren’t touching on, and that’s the setting. Microsoft/World’s Edge has been really concerned with the political correctness angle with AOE3 and showing colonialism or its portrayal of Native Americans, that have caused them to already not be very supportive of the presence of the game nor have they been terribly desirous of keeping it around and supporting it. This is an issue that AOM obviously doesn’t have, and I do think this factor was a noticeable one in AOE3 being on the chopping block. AOM’s game performance is a concern though and I do hope that it starts to go up again.


What part of “it was the AoE3 team first” and “AoM has less players and decreasing” do you not get? Do you have no compassion but also no notion of economics?

In all likelihood there are 3 possible reasons that they canceled AOE3, each with their own consequences for Age of Mythology.-

  1. It was already dead, it was only today the grave was finally dug. (I think this is the most likely. No real effect on the future of AOM)
  2. They decided that splitting the attention of the dev team between two different games was a bad idea, so they chose the newer game… (Possibly good, but too bat for AOE3, I really liked that game.)
  3. This is part of mass layoffs or similar cutbacks. (this is bad not only for the future of AOM, but possibly other similar projects. This may leak into AOE 2 and 4 if it gets real bad.)