So they killed AoE3 btw

One explanation could be that they believe more in Age of Mythology: Retold for future revenue compared to Age of Empires III: Definitive Edition, and thus chose to abandon one game to focus on the other.

At the end of the day, it is business, and they will do whatever they see as the best decision. Now, whether or not this was the right decision, we will not know for a while.

Age of Empires III: DE was always viewed as the “least popular” Age game, so despite the player count being higher, perhaps they found that not many people bought the DLCs—at least not enough for them to keep new content alive.

Maybe they saw potential in the preorders for AoM: Retold and chose this game? We can only guess at this point. Let’s hope AoM: Retold doesn’t end the same way, because it doesn’t matter what games we like; if one dies, it is bad for all of us.

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Yes, its bad for all of us, they final point is if numbers dont increase, aom will not live past 2026

I’m pretty sure the decision about the future of AoMR is not made yet.
If the DLC sell well and the game increases it’s player base they will keep going, but if the DLC sell badly and harm long term player retention then they won’t make more.

The comparison between AoE3DE and AoMR is not that easy.


  • Has an Xbox version
  • Is more popular for it’s single player content compared to AoE3DE
  • has way less multiplayer content (less civilisations and so on)
  • costs more

So AoMR having less active players doesn’t mean that they made less money with the game.
But on the other hand it’s really hard to judge if more or less work went into making AoMR compared to AoE3DE or if making DLC for AoMR is more expensive compared to AoE3DE.

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As long as sales are high enough to satisfy them, player numbers will likely continue to rise with the addition of more content.

If the two planned DLCs fail, then the future of AoM Retold is worrisome.


AoE3DE got several years of content support which includes new content from the start and 4 DLCs with single scenarios and new factions. And of course a big and beatiful grafics rework with the DE. Coming from a time where ONE Addon (maybe in very few cases two) was the best you could get for your beloved game, this sounds actually amazing. Of course it’s always a little bit sad to see a ‘‘now there will be no new content’’ message for a beloved game. On the other side it is awesome to see what AoE3 has become. Maybe sometimes it’s better to let games be ‘‘finished’’ at some point. Maybe it’s good to not always follow the ‘‘game as a service for ever’’ concept. If AoMR will get an equal amount of new content it would blow my mind and i would be more than happy. As an AoE1 fan, this much content would have been a blast, but AoE1 never got this.

We will see how long and how much new stuff we will get for AoMR. But everything will be awesome and i’m very optimistic. Games don’t ‘‘die’’ because there is nothing new to expect. With this philosophy every old game would have been dead from the beginning. AoE3 became way more awesome thanks to the current devs. Maybe sometimes we should be thankful for what we have instead of complaining about what we not have. Because a list about things we not have could be endless.

But yes, it would have been nice to bring the promised DLC before shutting AoE3 content off. Broken promises are always a bad thing.

However, just my two cents. Stay positive and don’t lose your fun :slight_smile:


Hm with your argumentation company would be “garbage” since like 15 years cause they never treated AoM like it deserves before and only gave AoE titles attention.

Tbh I never bought AoE titles before cause I was very sad and frustrated AoE was always given more attention and chances than AoM. (yes I started with AoM only watched how friends played AoE3 at release and bought AoE4 at release cause of interest and cause I was confident/hoped that AoM2/Retold will finally come. So yeah this makes me biased for sure but this is still an AoM thread and not an AoE one - just as a reminder)

But I never thought “garbage” company and made hate threads cause of that.

Also AoE3 got supported for several years as far as I know. It’s like it’s dropped immediately. You cry like a spoiled child.


Worlds Edge wasn’t even around 15 years ago. That’s who I’m referring too, so……

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Wasn’t there an entire point about how Microsoft hated that the theme of AoE3 was colonialism and that kind of stuff? There’s a lot of political and ideological baggage there that’s not as pronounced in the Mythology setting.
That may be a factor.
I’m not an American, I don’t know how those things are judged among Americans. But if it carries as much wheight as some stuff on the Internet makes it seem like, I can understand them deciding to drop that hot potato with the first excuse they get, even if it was making them money like not even Minecraft could.
But maybe I’m just misunderstanding the whole thing. I won’t rule that out.

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Doesn’t matter. It’s about the statement. With your logic I could say this and rant about every company who I feel badly treated by.

Sorry I was a bit aggressive. Normally not my style of argumentation and in general but the style of your writing really triggered something in me.

If you want to whine and cry and whatever it’s your choice but do it in the right space like in AoE forums/threads etc.

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Yes, anything is possible… I’m sure they said “well we sacrificed AoE 3 in order to save AoM that lost many players and then we saved a game instead of losing both”… that seems more logical to me, even if it hurts because of all the potential that AoE 3 still has to give…

Yes, that’s true… AoM was always overshadowed by the saga or other RTS like WC3 and CNC Generals, and although it had the EE in 2014 and TotD in 2016, it can only shine more now with Retold… and I hope it will be like that, because I also love AoM…

Yes, in a certain sense yes… AoE 3 was always an uncomfortable game for Microsoft and World Edge because of the controversial themes it touches on (you know, colonialism, subterfuge slavery by colored settlers and stereotypes of Native and Asian civs)…


Yes better pretend it never happened, and rename everything so it’s more appealing to Microsoft’s eyes xD

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