Solution to make india more played in treaty

There are civs that have that kind of POP easily available :slight_smile: and even the normal civs can less few cannons/mortars to manage along with their faster train times.

In legacy :slight_smile:

HAD! till last few updates :slight_smile:


Hussar train faster ! a wall can stop urumi, a cannon behin a wall can wipe urumi.

with ? :slight_smile:

So basically, use urumi as a bait, then walk urumi a lil back and then use anticav if he makes hussar, meanwhile trying to train siege and resisting continuous vollev of canons on units + resisting mortars on walls too. all this with supa slow train times :slight_smile:

sounds great :smiley:

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this was my thoughts on the subject a while ago. the sacred field grazing card would replace Royal Mint in a treaty build and would let you fur trade a bit earlier and gather a bit more wood, as you’d have a source of coin to help keep the fur trade coin banked up longer.

Faster arriving Urumi would be welcome, maybe it could be attached to the Mansabdar shipment age 4 (“all future urumi shipments arrive much faster”)

I would also add that I would love to see Mansabdars arrive at the HC Shipment point. Its currently impossible to use them on big maps.


these are good suggestions,

basically gives india a coin factory, but I would think it can only do XP or coin. (coin at slower rate of course) the grazing for camels and mahouts was never enough to really be viable and unless buffed the only value would be for the cows at a decent rate. It could be abused possibly since allies could send cows to india, so it would have to be from the paddy itself and not the cows.

I do not think a church consulate is a good direction, it would make india train sepoys way too fast for a unit that is strong and can build FB. I think royal green jackets could also give Gurka a train time bonus and that would help them fill in ranks of gurka. It would also require a lot of reworking of elephant cards since with all techs and card to add the church would give instant elephants. Add that with the elephant train cards applying to camels and India will have some fast training options and some power units too.

karni should go back to what it was IMO.

Have u played DE?? Its not a feature anymore, everyone just can have 20 cows (some cards add more limit but not for indians).


im afraid i have to disagree here. Sepoys have been outclassed by continuing musket power creep from de civs. they no longer feel exceptional. would never be much different from fort hopping ruskets now (which can train falconets now too)

for the record, i think the mosque should replace the minutemen. this would be an improvement to India’s balance imo for 1v1 anyway. way too mich defensive power with way too little investment.


I have DE, I played it a little when it came out and will soon upgrade my RAM to play again.

how does that work, once you have 20 cows any new ones sent from a neighbor do not get converted?

that is a change I greatly appreciate, though some of the other onces not so much such as Russia training falcs from forts. If the power creep has gotten that bad balance will be impossible to obtain.

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Yes, only get new ones if they are from an enemy. Aprecciate it?? Really it wasnt that OP as they dont have factories, and that cows arent free, because it doesnt work with wild cows neither. If you play Mongolia or Andes you cant have more than 20 cows/llamas/yaks…


BTW You still can have 20Cows+ up to 30 Sheep from friend but the XP rate from sheeps is much inferior than a llama or cow and certainly no where useful for treaty.

overall the XP requirment for shipment increases and the Shrine XP generation remains same and slow,

Shrines become negligible late late game.

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it was OP for other reasons, For example people used to play brits and cow boom but use all thier food to buy 100’s of cows and send them to a team mate, then post TR send them all back, and they would be eating cows all the time, the scores would get crazy and impossible to drain the team

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Thats a fault of Brits not a concern for India at all. Totally un related to Indian treaty issues.

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many civ can do it, cows still gather pretty fast. but civs with cow booms do it best.

I just mentioned it in general finally a good change.

but yes even india could benefit from it but its not that beneficial for just a couple more shipments ahead. thank the devs for not letting them fatten with Indias possession.

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Neither Japan, naeither India should have limit to their herdables (as on legacy). I dont see how that would be unbalanced


It’s because it would be horribly unbalanced for the African civs. The payback period for Japanese livestock is also extremely long.

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Thats the reason I said just India and Japan, other ones could keep the same as they are. Africans are different cause they can train units with influence


just for some perspective. Full livestock may take a long time to pay off but that is because it is a big investment and a BIG payoff!

4 yaks on an age 4 shrine is 1.29 food (.77 with no yaks) or 1.02 C/W (.50 no yaks) big shrine 2.79 food, or 2.62 C/W (I forgot to record its no yaks rate.

1.29 x 20 shrine = 25.8 F per sec plus 2.79 is 28.59 Food per sec with all shrines being yaks (I think cows even count for more) that is about 4 factories worth of gathering.

base rates would be .77 x 20 is 15.4 plus about half the value of big shrine without gatherers if japan were not able to make cows. so plus 1.4= 16.8 just over 2 factories worth.

so for cost of 88 cows (pretty sure its 100), 8800 divided by the difference. 12.19 F per sec value added with all cows (could actually be more with cows than yaks) is approx 12 mins. to pay for itself, but every 12 mins of fighting is then another 8800 worth of resources.
Ok I checked and a brit cow is 80 food. it changes some efficiency. to paying off in 9.62 minutes for about 7000 resouces.

I do not know Japans booms times but if done around the 20 min mark would near double all food investments by 40 mins. Not bad at all! Does that sound fair and balanced to other civs? Basically 75 vills but 4 factories worth of trickles.

Some mixed variables here… one will have deer in base that can subsidize some of the cost, but they also do not max out the potential of shrine gathering.

Hi people of AOE,
I myself want to be proud of becoming master in AOE 3 DE with indian civilization.
I played 100s of rounds with the civilization.
But I don’t see I can win in any way,
Some times I think creaters & developers has a personal gurge against Indian civilization and created the game in this way.

Sowars, Ghurkas, Rajputs fall like birds got hit by rocks, mammoths try a lot but dies without any heavy damage to enemies,
Canon elephants only good against buildings,

Only sephoys can play for liilttle longer than others

I wish for these updates
Urmis in infantry building and mansab urmi respectively,
Falil elephant good against infantry and cavalry instead of buildings
Mamoths pop level to 4 Insted of 7 OR triple power to current levels
300-400 popluation
Cows population to unlimited
Indian rockets in castles.

If any one of the above will happen I can win 10% of my matches with Indian civilization.

Thanks for your time! :sweat_smile:


sinceramente eu ja desisti de jogar com a índia em tratado faz muito tempo o problema dessa civi ainda e a artilharia, os foguetes britânicos deveriam ser possíveis ser treinados não enviados na metrópole jogador acaba sendo limitado a usar 2 por vez mesmo usando alguma artilharia o consulado ainda e limitado as vezes que possa usar qualquer unidade porque exportação e muito lenta pra reunir em qualquer tempo de tratado 40/60


yes the new card is pretty useless :confused:

Also they have imprioved indian elephants just according to other civs, even after cards and research its not a buff. They just UPDATED other civs so also improved India.