Banning people for alt-f4 is a good thing.
Maybe just the ranked queue gets turned off if you have family share on? So if you want to queue ranked with multiple accounts, you need to buy the game one time with each account, but if you just play lobby or single player you don’t. cause also there really isn’t much point in tg elo if there is smurfing going on.
i do agree banning for alt F4. but i think this needs to be addressed too.
Is it you have no friends playing aoe2 with you so that you are so salty of premade team and want to punish those who play ranked with friends?
yup, I will try to punish anybody who is trying to take advantage of me.
On the other hand, I could do the same, but people will complain about smurfing instead.
I am one of those people who queues up with friends. We do not try to
of you; rather, we just want to enjoy playing a fun game of Age of Empires 2 with you. Like every other team that is not on one of the far ends of the skill spectrum and who does not smurf, we win roughly 50% of our matches. The matchmaking system does a good job with that.