Some Documentation on how to publish a Mod correctly please?

Could someone post some documentation on how to publish a scenario/mod correctly using the right path needed so the user gets the file and has it available to host please?

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Try to subscribe to some already existing mods and learn how they have been done.

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I agree this is a good way to do things when documentation doesn’t exist. Hopefully they will add some documentation on how this all works so we don’t need to use existing mods for determining how to publish and discover-ability of API surface area.

I was just trying to find documentation about what information is available to a mod, specifically the game settings screen information. I just wanted to make sure I wasn’t wasting my time trying to get the map name of the current game, like the game settings window shows but the only mention of documentation I have run into so far is this post.

Sorry, this isn’t your problem, thank you for your reply to the OP. I figure I will do the what you suggest and see how other mods write to the screen and see if I can get the map name.

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check here:

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