Some Historical Battle ideas:

Battle of Vienna (1683)

Civilization: Austrians (Germans) (+ polish allies at the end of the game - Winged Hussars)
Protagonist: - Leopold I (at the end of the game also John III Sobieski)
Enemy Civilization: Ottomans

The mission would consist of an epic defense of Vienna by the Austrians against huge Ottoman forces until the Winged Hussars’ relief arrived. To win the mission, you must keep the key buildings in the city center until the allies arrive, and the Emperor Leopold must survive. If these requirements are met by the end of time, then the relief arrives - then the player has at his disposal a large unit of Winged Hussars and the second Hero unit in this mission - Jan III Sobieski.

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Potonchán and Cintla (1519)

Civilization: Spanish
Protagonist: -
Enemy Civilization: Maya (Modified Aztecs)

Potonchán, capital of the Tabasco Maya kingdom, was the first conquest of Hernan Cortés in the new world. Cortés sent Alonso de Ávila with one hundred soldiers out on the road leading to the city, while Cortés and another group of soldiers went upriver in boats. Requesting to land on the shores, Cortés was denied and the Maya began firing arrows at him, starting the battle. Once Alonso de Ávila’s men arrived the Maya routed into the countryside and the Spaniards took the city.

After another smirkish the next day between some of Cortés’s men and the Maya, Cortés learned that the Maya were going to attempt to retake the city. In response, Cortés sent more men into the the plains to Cintla, where Potonchán’s subject villages were, and where another large battle ensued. The Maya then finally surrendered when they saw cavalry for the first time.

The start of the scenario would play out as the player having limited forces and trying to take the city, and once the Community Plaza in the great square is secured, they would take control of the city and be able to build their own base there. They would then have to prepare as the Maya mass troops in Cintla, before having to defeat them, either attacking them directly in the plains, or waiting for them to attack the city and beating back the siege.

The player would have no cavalry at the start (The horses were all still back on the ships) and two starting falconets. Once they set up in Potonchan, they’ll be able to send homecity shipments, which includes Lancers, Cannoneers, and more Falconets, but they won’t be able to train any cavalry or gunpowder units normally. The player’s homecity will take the form of ships, like in the Chinese campaign.

Cortés is an NPC that orders you around. You have to save him at the start of the scenario, and he then stays in Potonchán for the remainder.

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You mean they are a remnant medieval swordsman unit?

Source requested before the edit

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interesting, i can imagine a discovery age where u can only gain exp from treasures and do shipments

Yes, or directly combat in the first age (since obviously during the age of exploration between 1400 and 1500 there were combats)…

Let’s ask the Aztecs and Inca if they think the Spanish weren’t able to fight in the Discovery age

And for that…it would be more realistic to have Aztecs and Incas fighting Spanish cannoners in the first age…then you make the age advance more expensive (1000f to commerce, 1500f 800c to fortresses and 2000f 1200c to industral how until now) and eliminate the imperial age by moving everything to industrial…


That would be cool for an historical battle but first we’d need a Change train location trigger, so we can train swordsmen and cannoneers

Or introduce cannoners and swordsmen in the barracks from the first age, the rest would continue as now…

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That sounds cool but then every civ would need a way to fight in the Discovery Age. Maybe a tech that enables both at the barracks, like the one that enables Boneguard swordsmen

Yeah, though its funny how any unit like that (such as Maltese Hospitaller) is still clad in chainmail where as any remnant (which would have been used throughout the 1500s - Age 1) would have been clad in plate armour l


Yes, the same goes for the first age from 1400 to 1500 (age of overseas exploration)…


Black Hills (1776)

Civilization: Lakota
Protagonist: -
Enemy Civilization: Cheyenne (modified Lakota)

Driven ever westward by other tribes, the Lakota are searching for a new home. Their prayers seemed to be answered when they discovered the Black Hills mountains, but they are already inhabited by the Cheyenne nation.

The Lakota would go on to drive the Cheyenne west out of the Black Hills, just as they themselves had been driven west before, and just as the Cheyenne had driven the Kiowa out before them.

And in a cyclical fashion the Lakota themselves would be forced out by the U.S. 100 years later, just as all the previous inhabitants were.