could you split the generic “find and cycle units and buildings” setting? I would like to have monks and scouts on “select and center camera” and at the same time have “select all military production buildings” on “select only”.
to avoid making two topics I’ll write one more problem about a conflict that exists on a function that I don’t know if you support:
some players like valdemar associate a unit/building type to the numbers and in that case overwrite them with the normal control groups. I don’t know if you are ok with this possibility and want to support it, but in that case it has a problem if you don’t activate “find and cycle units & buildings” on “select only”. Without this setting (so having “select and center camera”) when you create a control group and select it the camera will go first where the button is set by default.
Example: as Valdmar you have by default the cavalry on 4 and create your main army on 4. When you click 4 the camera will go first on the cavalry while it has the main army selected, then on the second click (4 x2) it will go normally towards the main army.