I even tried putting Timer for the script call as following:
C#0 Timer 30 seconds
E#0 Script Call (To xsChatData(“Total Units Owned: %d”, xsTriggerVariable(0));
But it wont even wait 30 seconds to display Total Units Owned as 0. It gives the result from First Second.
Trigger 1
E#0: Modify Variable by Resource(Total units owned)
Trigger 2
C#0 Timer 1 second
E#0 Script Call (To xsChatData(“Total Units Owned: %d”, xsTriggerVariable(0));
What is trigger 1 condition? leave it none?
The same result, it always shows 0, why did you add To xsChatData instead xsChatData the message box showed up with parse error If I added To, if not added it is always showing 0. I have 6 vills and 2 scouts on the map, I get 8 units owned actually.
I also checked changing armor of villager to as much as of the number of total units owned, my villager armor is now 0/0+8 but I could not use xsChatdata to display Total Units Owned : 8. I do not understand why I could not display it.
Yes. Don’t add any condition
I copied and pasted your message
Anyways, I’m working from memory now, so maybe these people
can be of better help than me