Sometimes all villagers stop working and cannot move them at all while playing with my mod, anyone knows how to fix it? tyvm

In my mod, I have encountered with a weird issue that if I start from Age 1 - after 15 minutes etc all of my villagers stop listening my commands and thy stop working and cannot move them at all, and in AI perspective - some AI civs there is no problem and some of the others there are problems.

I did not have this problem before The Sultan new DLC patch… I check my mod and I did not touch anything to AI or change anything from villager side, I only added extra buildings on the empty grids on the building tab, nothing more.

However, if I start to play the game from Age 4, I did not encounter this issue so far.

Does anyone know why is it happening?

This is the newer version of my mod, I remake it from sketch again because of the new patch:
Conquest Mod v1.4: The Sultans Ascend - 06062024


Sometime this villager stop working bug appears and sometimes not while playing from Age 1. I test other Age(s) too to check if a similar problem appears too.

At Age 4, I did not encounter this issue so far but I will play a longer time to be sure.

I am going to do more test but if anyone knows a solution please let me know, thank you.

I found the cause of why some civilizations’ villagers stopped working, it is corrupted file - probably new recent patch made some problems, I just need to replace the files again.

I will release a patch for the mod tomorrow.

I wanted to mention^^.