Spanish Conquistador Musketeer

Discuss Spanish Conquistador Musketeer


Love this, Can you make it compatible with Units Historical Appearance(Support Multiplayer)?

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Please add this.

It is the only thing that Spain lacks to make it truly unique and strikingly visual.

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I authorize everyone to combine my mods with theirs, but if you want reupload, please give credits :).
@GwentMaster2163, what do you think?


Hello friend, I think what you make is very good, and I have always liked your friendly and enthusiastic attitude.
However, I may not continue to make MOD in a short time, because my MOD was misappropriated by another modder without acknowledging the source or even notifying me, which made me feel physically and mentally exhausted.
But I think the integration of this unit is just a matter of adjusting the “musketeers.xmb” file, if you are interested, I think it may be possible to make a version that adapts to my MOD.
There is one more problem though, the game is about to be updated, which means my mods will need to be largely reworked to accommodate the new version. I’m not sure I’m going to do this in the short term, so I’m not sure if the work mentioned above makes sense in the long run.

And Thank you for liking my MOD.


**Yo man. Love your mods. I’m looking for someone to work with a little mod idea I have for Mexico. Do you do commissions? Or can I use your mods? I’ll like to talk about this project, how can I contact you? (hablas español?)

Hola, sí hablo español. ¿Qué tienes en mente?

Me gustaria pedirte juntar varios de tus mods para crear un especie de “pack” con algunas cosas que me gustaria tener (personalmente) para Mexico (y otras civs mas adelante). pero no cuento con el tiempo y a experiencia para realizarlo. Si cuentas con algún medio para poder hablar y compartir el listado de detalles estaría bien o lo podemos manejar por aca, como gustes.

EN resumen, ocupo un “nuevo” Dragoon y modificar visualmente las unidades de artillería y los nombres asi como las texturas de cada mejora. (probablemente usando assets ya existentes). De ser posible actualizar los iconos de las mejoras de unidades (ya tengo los display) y uno que otro detalle en la Maya Revolt.

mándame correo para comunicarnos mejor o si manejas discord como te encuentro?