You just made a brand new civi with a current tech tree,interesting concept.
Oh right. Then I hope they change their mind, like let’s be real as long as there is stuff like the Huns bonus in the game they are not getting 100% non mirror DM anyway.
I honestly see no reason to rework the civ to such a degree, especially since i believe this civ would be worse.
Also doesnt help that the op doesnt even know what he is talking about as he said spanish are Labeled a cavalry civ, and thats not true at all.
some interesting ideas, but wouldnt apply them to spanish. but could work for some other civ
spanish maybe do need a little help early in the game, but nothing as extensive as this rework. their incredibly viable conqs and super good monks (for the skilled enough players) give them enough of an identity
with regards to the knight to infantry, it does seem interesting, and i understand the point is to spawn a weak unit, otherwise getting free LS out of knights might be too excessive. would likely need to balance with missing tech (like blood lines) and would primarily be advantageous against melee civs (similar to the konnik better vs melee units compared to knight for bulgarians) but that is what the conq and super monks are for already
if anything spanish are worse off against ranged civs and this does not help them
gives a good enough idea of what im talking about
this doesnt make sense either, if anything it is inquisition that needs to change. supremacy is probably one of the most flavourful techs in the game. gunpowder is already pretty niche, and you would need to give spanish siege engineers, otherwise a GUNPOWDER civ gets below average BBC until they get their UT? doesnt make sense.
i can only guess you have a bias against conqs. or you didnt think this through. imperial age conqs are bad, you just made them completely useless with this change
just leave spanish the way it is pls
They are a boring civ rn that can only win with Conqs. I love their tech tree and units but they should be buffed somehow
can go missionary + unique tech, pretty strong
Theres a lot of stuff wrong here:
- The Konnik mechanoc here makes their paladins just be better konniks and prob overpowered
- Free fletchong doesnt fit spanish
- You have literally nerfed everything Spanish do rn
Lete me propose an alternative that actually would fit the civ:
- Elite Skirmisher free
- Inquisition becomed a civ bonus (maybe it can scale through the ages to be less OP)
- Imperial age UT makes gunpowder fire 25/33% faster, Supremacy moves to castle age (I know that latter change is dangerous but I think it may be fine)
Those changes fit the Spanish and enfore their identity while giving them.options vs archers and cavalry civs
You need a castle for that, at that point you may as well go conqs. Its not viable.
spanish can do an above average scouts into knights play
you can also go for two range archers, nobody expects that
An scout rush without a good timing or a knight rush without strong eco or discounts to back it up isnt above average.
They are mediocre at best
faster build speed, cheaper blacksmith upgrades makes it slightly above average imo
Those two bonuses will not save enough resources to make it above average. If you consider this to be above average then I guess any civ with proper bonuses is god tier
If you want spanish to be fine why keeping inquisition then? You just changed everything except the only useless unique tech that needs a rework.
Here is my suggestion to balance them:
Spanish: Monk and gunpowder civilization
Civ bonuses:
• Builders work 30% faster
• Now 50% of the food cost of each economic or blacksmith tech is converted to gold. (was Blacksmith upgrades don’t cost gold)
• Cannon Galleons benefit from Ballistics (fire faster, more accurately)
• Gunpowder units fire 18% faster
Unique Units:
Conquistador (mounted hand cannoneer), Missionary (mounted Monk)
Unique Techs:
• Inquisition (Monks are upgraded to misionaries which are faster but carry relics at normal speed,
and now they lose access to fervor)
• Supremacy (Villagers stronger in combat)
Team Bonus:
Trade units generate +25% gold
However, free arrow upgrades affect too many things.
The Spanish are already quite a popular civilization. Strictly speaking, they have nothing to buff except the Feudal age. What’s more, their blacksmith already has the bonus.
It’s enough to have crossbowmen, so that at least they can use archers with gold-free arrow tech in the Feudal age, so as to transition to the Castle age without having to Fast Castle every game. Investing in archer armor for archers/crossbowmen also helps if you still want to switch to use conquistadors in the Castle age.

They are a boring civ rn that can only win with Conqs.
I think most of the players that needs a change for Spanish feel the same.
Right now Spanish, Portuguese (Land map), and Persians are very generic and boring to play for me. Except Portuguese in open maps all are fine in terms of balance though. So very small room for big changes.
I think all three of them arent very good nor well designed though. Particularly Persians who are only great on nomad, but all three civs are weak on Arabia
Give them Elite Skirmisher, Pikeman, Halberdier, Light Cavalry and Hussar upgrades don’t cost gold.
Tbh if Ethiopians didnt exist I would just give them free skirmisher and spearman upgrades. But free skirmisher alongside better monks should give them strong options vs both archer and cav civs

If you want spanish to be fine why keeping inquisition then? You just changed everything except the only useless unique tech that needs a rework.
Inquisition is actually a pretty good tech. Way better than the useless monk UTs from saracens or slavs that recently have been removed. Spanish monk fast imp is really strong because of that tech.