It makes total sense. Most civs that have UTs for generic units can do those strats very well without a castle (Bulgarians have good knights before the castle goes up), if Spanish need a UT to do an strat then the strat isnt that great, particularly with Conqs avaible.
it doesnt make sense. many games there are castles being built, 1 castle is totally fine, even mongols and chinese requires castle to spam UU so I’d have to disagree with you there. spanish would fall far low on the list and saying it is a problem is simply wrong.
The point I was making is that Spanish can only do conqs as an strat…
nah surely there are other strat but people dont bother with them.
All their units are generic and they have bad eco. Before imp qll they can do is use stone and their only good military unit are conqs
got good blacksmith upgrade can certainly try different things.
No. The resources you save for that arent enough. Bulgarians save waaayyyyyyyyy more. Their tech tree is good but they wont be able to enjoy it
we arent talking about bulgarian, its spanish we talking about here. why not throw in chinese with extra bonus vills?
spanish is fine the way it is. if the game only has 3 civs, spanish, and two other. people that main spanish would no doubt come up with creative ways to play the game. so I dont buy your argument entirely.
i mention Bulgarians because they save a decent ammount of resources and are still average at best. It seems you are just trying to reject the reality of the situuation for some reason.
thats probably what you think, you seem not wishing to acknowledge other view point for some reason.
When your point of view is speculating that “there surely is something else Spain can do very well” based on nothing I just dont see it as reasonable. Like, I really have a lot of nostalgia and love for Spain but they just aremt good before late game outside of going heavily into stone
FU paladin is not generic but above average. Besides conq is the best UU in castle age.
I think the buff not neccessarily is the eco bonus but can be defensive bonus.
something you havent tapped into yourself, hardly counts as credible.
Late game stuff like Paladins doesnt make knights in castle age more viable
I mean, continue to speculate all you want. Its just empty speculation woth no evidence
surely you can do better