Spartan Xyphos aura not increasing actual attack

:arrow_forward: GAME INFORMATION

  • GAME BUILD #: 101.102.62906.0 (#128442) 16271343
  • OPERATING SYSTEM: Windows 11

:arrow_forward: ISSUE EXPERIENCED

Xyphos is described as a technology that increases Hoplite attack by +1 for every 10 nearby units, up to +3 attack.

The aura’s effect appears to be correctly displayed when viewing the Hoplite’s stats.
However, the actual damage dealt does not include the bonus from the aura.

:arrow_forward: FREQUENCY OF ISSUE

  • 100% of the time / matches I play (ALWAYS)

:arrow_forward: REPRODUCTION STEPS

  1. Create a custom scenario where
    a. Player 1 is Sparta in the Castle Age
    b. Player 2 is in the Dark Age
    c. Player 1 has a castle
    d. Player 1 has enough resources to research Xyphos
    e. Player 1 has one hoplite, surrounded by at least 30 militia owned by Player 2
    f. All units are in no attack stance

  2. Run the scenario, and hit a militia with the hoplite one time.

  3. Research Xyphos

  4. Hit a different militia with the hoplite one time.

:arrow_forward: EXPECTED RESULT

The first militia hit should have 29 HP remaining.
(10 base attack + 1 from forging for a total of 11 damage)

The second militia hit should have 26 hp remaining.
(10 base attack + 1 from forging + 3 from the aura for a total of 14 damage)

:arrow_forward: IMAGE

The issue still appears to be present in version 101.103.2359.0 (#133431) 17001014

(Please see the attached recording)
Xyphos Test.aoe2record (395.3 KB)