Spearmen absolutely need buff

Knights don’t dominate them, and what you ask for is raising the damage of feudal age spears (clip you have shown) from 25 per hit to around 70 per hit which is absolutely nuts.

The spears did a very good trade there, but the archers just oneshot cleared 2 at a time while the oponents archers were blindly hitting the knights.
Again, knight, archer is the better composition since it’s way easier to deny engagements with knights while picking up spearmen with archers is super easy.

Of course unitprice plays a role into that.
Engaging spears with knights is a really bad engagement but you can just brute force yourself through if you just have more ressources in army on the field, since more stuff counters less stuff most of the time.
Same with longbowmen vs knights or MAAs vs Crossbows.

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Imp horseman only do 2 more damage than spearman and attack almost as slowly.

Again, you don’t know what you are talking about. You don’t use trash units in imp for their damage, you use them for their utility and survivability.

The biggest reason spearman aren’t that popular is because the main unit it counters is considered terrible.

The main unit they supposed to counter are knights, but they don’t counter knights, hence why they aren’t used.

if they made 1 spear beat a knight 1v1, the knight would be like the worst unit in the game or they would have to like half its cost because that’s how game balance works lol.

Again, you don’t understand what you are talking about and ignoring what I’ve already said. Let’s imagine spears deal 2 times more damage to cav than they currently do. What changes? Spears destroy knights. What does not change? Spears are destroyed by MAA, archers, siege, towers, castles. Knights can still fight all of those things as they currently do. And have higher mobility. And can decide not to engage spears. And taking less pop space per resource. If spears start taking out the knights it’s not going to change that spears are completely useless in all other situations.

An 80 resource unit that doesn’t cost gold isn’t supposed to beat a 240 resource gold unit and it hasn’t in any aoe game and hopefully not in any RTS.

Once again, villager can take out bombard because of the min range. You can avoid this all you want, but it’s what happens.

What I think is happening is that players want to beat knights in an equal ratio

No, as I said multiple times, spears should posses danger to knights and not be open for engagement like they currently are. 4-5 spears should be able to 1shot a knight because of how fragile they are anyway.

A knight is 240 total resources 1 spear is 60

Spear is 80.

If we were to put 2 players both 200/200 one has 20 barracks and the other has 20 stables Pike vs Knight. The one pumping pikes will drain economy less faster than the one doing knights.

This is completely unrealistic scenario. What happens in reality is that you use 20 knights to destroy 30 spears with minor backup and hardly lose anything, after which spear player must rebuild them all from zero while you keep your knights active and continue advancement. Even more so, if you are at his base you just continue to pick on spears one by one. As they are produced at the barracks.

In my last 10 games I haven’t had the need to make a single knight.

I dunno what are you discussing here then if you don’t even know what are the knights for.


Thats where you are wrong. You can’t compare engaging knights with spears to fighting longbowmen vs knights or maa vs crossbows. In both those options you will suffer heavy losses from engaging your counters, but that’s not true for knights vs spears, because knights generally survive and sustain power presence at much lower cost, which is exactly what I’ve demonstrated in two videos.


No knights cannot take fights against other units if we make your changes, cause all you have to do is mix in a couple of super cheap units and the enemies entire knight army is a gigantic waste of resources. If we double spear damage then all you need is like 5-10 spears mixed with any unit and then your opponent building the most expensive non-siege unit in the game is utterly useless. As it is knights already often struggle to find value excluding feudal knights because they get rekt so hard by crossbows, while spear armies are reasonably useful at fighting them off.

My point about horseman is that they are an expensive trash unit who’s damage is so low that they struggle to kill vills in a reasonable amount of time and are a poor military unit. Spears are less viable because they are a counter unit and the unit the counter (horseman) is basically never built, so you don’t really need to build spears.

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No knights cannot take fights against other units if we make your changes, cause all you have to do is mix in a couple of super cheap units and the enemies entire knight army is a gigantic waste of resources.

Yeah, because god forbid you to add archers/mango to your army to completely destroy those spears. And it’s not like spears die in 3-4 knight hits anyway, lol.

Spears are less viable because they are a counter unit and the unit the counter (horseman) is basically never built, so you don’t really need to build spears.

Even in the games where you make horsemen the enemy does not need to make spears, because horsemen on their own die to everything but siege. You just kill them with knights, archers or MAA. Because countering does not really work in aoe4 as trash units are too weak.

From your series of remarks, your real goal is to remove the knight from the game and achieve this goal through the super-buff cheap Spearman; I agree that Spearman can become so powerful, as long as their cost is doubled. And add at least 50 gold, you’re welcome.

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Spears are not meant to counter knights, they are trash units, the gold unit counter to knights is crossbows. Spears counter horseman, archers counter spears and horseman (supposedly) counter archers.
Spearman are still good against knights because they win at equal resources, they form a you cant really go here zone without taking tons of damage. (I’m also not sure if 20 knights beats 30 spears, which not only is an unfair comparison because you build 20 spears for less resources and faster than you can build 20 knights if you know how to brace spears)

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Cav should not use fire attack animation vs siege… That way charge will work on them and units will attack faster sige, I don’t understand why units are using fire against siege, u it’s will cut the ropes of siege and that’s it lol like in age 2 intro video.

terrible player so spearmen are bad? no… you dont drip feed spearmen to knights… you get 8 then you 1 shot them … bad players will be bad…

This needs to be looked at! Melee vrs sieges SUCKS… the animation is super slow and they just melt trying to attack it… also siege speed is WAY too fast… they just kite you… even knights! China siege with mega HP just laughs at your melee

I mean it makes more sense than killing siege with spears or with a charge with a polearm. It’s easier to buff torch attacks if we need or nerf siege hp (the method they are going with rams) Not sure where we should go with the aoe2 method of hitting siege and buildings with swords until the catch fire.

It doesn’t make sense, infantry just cut the ropes and that’s it… cav should do charge bonus…this game is so wrong in many ways.

heres a guy saying it makes no sense? the siege in this game has no MEN its a ■■■■■ transformer!!!