Spies - how to use

Somebody could please tell me how to use spies?

Which units/ buildings can see the spy?
What are the best uses?
Can I see the deck of cards using a spy? Or the resources of the enemy?


All stealth units, including spies are revealed within 2 range of any units and buildings

no you can do that already within the game

The game tells you

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There’s also many units that can reveal them immediately.

Most builds that can shoot and garrison (TCs, Forts, Outposts, etc) will reveal them. Heroes, scouting units, and pets will also reveal them.

That 2 range thing was a mistake. Stealth was already “nerfed” in comparison to legacy by adding defenses to the list (change Im agree with).

There were that many rants about it in these 15 years??

Scout enemy closest gold mine or woods outside their base, and leave them in stealth mode without getting to close to any unit. This should give you map awareness where the enemy settler are and you can split raid their settler without committing your whole cavalry unit.

Despite people telling you to read and use common sense.

Like dirtbags. No offense dudes.

The spy can be used to scout the map without being seen by the enemy at a safe distance using their stealth ability. You can also put them near an enemy TP under construction by an enemy explorer so you can kill him. You may also use a Agents/Assassins card to give them a rudimentary ranged attack.

Do not capitalize on them though. Unless you get them for free or a 4th resource(Export British consulate ally)

I suggested adding a special unit - Thief. To make spies more useful.

There’s allready a card that makes them better but still are a bad unit, even against mercy, expensive and super week, even with the assassins improvement card, I propose to lower their cost to 100 gold, and to limit them to 10 (with out assassins card) but up to 20 units and NO population cost with the card, it still such a bad card that it should be EQ and give you free the two LOS of the church immediately!

Thanks for the answers!