Spirit of the Law's new take on AoE IV

lmfao no, just no. A terrible defensive statement, the game is already trash enough no point of sugar coating it.

it is okay to call the game bad simply because it is bad.

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._. , most vague answer i heard in a while . if people dont complain about it then what is the problem? oh yeah the game its the problem ? then dont play it and dont complain about it.

the fact that og aoe3 is even better than aoe3 de in the bug section is even more laughable.

woah 3 civs use them , such a difference from what i said.

In your opinion*

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already protested and retold multiples times in this forums about the bugs, civ design, graph, etc from the game experience that aoe 4 provides.

still playable not like aoe 4 release state

see below


aoe 4 supposed to be better than aoe 3 not worse

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I think he is just too stubborn to admit it. maybe he is hurt that spent so much money on a game that isn’t as good as an old game in everything. Editor, support, game play, number of civs, everything.


now that the dust is settle. I see comments that were removed, stubborness about what is supposed to be correct for the franchise that we enjoy. I hate say this but the only solution is gatekeeping everyone that still support aoe 4 (current state) in every forum, media ,devs and ingame. Those who promoted the game in the state, reviewers that false promote, etc… they only dragged nothing but dmg to aoe in general. If you still have a steam copy at least be sincere about your opinion in today patch (and edit your steam review).

Well, this thread definitely has gone places…

Thank you, Noob! Hope things are gradually getting less crazy back at home.

Even a sub-section of the game like the scenario editor should be analyzed tool-by-tool. Not everything is black or white and stating that in general it is a complicated tool doesn’t imply that every part of it is like that. It sounds like you and SotL pretty much are in sync there.



Totally agree. The main fun I get from AOE is using cool, unique units. Even when I play AOE2, I only like to use cool looking units, such as playing teutons and making tectonic knights instead of pikemen, using mangonels or scorpions instead of skirmishers, just because THE UNITS ARE COOL. I have never seen a single unit I think is cool in any video of AOE 4, except in the trailers pre launch the game looked cool, but was nothing like the actual game somehow. Another example are the Turks, Jannisaries: cool! I guess the trailer people understand what looks cool, a shame the developers at relic don’t. Probably because they don’t love/play the game themselves (just a guess).

Warren Buffet says he only uses people with a love for their product, not a love of money. Relic is clearly ‘love of money’, Forgotten Empires/Emsemble is clearly ‘love of product’.


marco deja de ser un troll y acepta la realidad colega, incluso ahora age 3 DE ofrece cosas muy superiores al aoe 4 el avance de alianzas con los africanos, los estados federales con México y usa y las maravillas asiáticas son un ejemplo de ello, cada civ se siente muy única en el 3… y lo mejor son muchas mas que en el 4 xd

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Glad they’re still trying to chip away at concerns raised. I give them much credit for trying, and not abandoning. Looks like zoom is better, but still not quite what I’m looking for, and the weird swivel-down when zooming in isn’t my fav either, as noted in the video.

The ubiquitous gold icons persist, and there’s probably no increase in max pop count, so I’ll continue to hold out. If similar sizeable updates/refinements/enhancements continue a few times per year, I predict I will buy AoE4 in about a year. Assuming zoom adjustments, gold icon alternatives, and max pop are given some priority.

The hotkey editor page has so much padding and wasted space. We only get to view 7 commands at a time? Any visit to the page and I’d cringe, wishing I could hold CTRL and mouse-wheel down to zoom out, just like 80% of web pages out there. Seems like it’d be really painful to navigate. Why does every modern UI need to have huge buttons and tons of vertical padding everywhere? Menus need an ‘advanced/expert user’ mode where those who can keep track of more than 30 words per 1080p 24" page feel at home :slight_smile:

nah, arrows still hit with 100000% accuracy and that makes AOE4 “FANTASY GAME”…


I have previously linked a video which talks precisely about this, the Spectacle in RTS games. You play C&C or SupCom and there are frickin’ nukes. You play AoM and you can shower your enemy in meteorites. You play BfME and you can set enemy Mumakil on fire and have them run over their own units and even summon a Balrog. Even in AoE 3 there’s the spectacle in its sheer graphical quality and variety, especially for its day.

Even if those things are hard to balance or don’t make much sense, they make a game fun and memorable. Those are the things you go and tell your friends and post on Reddit and forums. That’s free publicity. AoE IV has none of that, there’s no spectacle in having reskinned keeps or wolves and sheep unchanged no matter the map. There’s no spectacle in watching a building have the same destruction animation whether is being hit by bombards or villagers with torches. There’s even this weird choice by Relic to use what’s probably the worst camera-to-sun angle possible.

I’ll try to capture it in screenshots to show you all what I mean.

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Exactly. In AOE 3 you get bombards and the cannons hit units and they go flying way across the screen. The ottomans in AOE 3 in general, all of their units are ‘cool’. And how about Warchiefs, those guys are cool too, and being able to buff them to be even stronger and cooler? Mantlets are cool, I use them even though they are ‘bad’ units because they are sick. Urumi/Elephant combos, Mercenaries, guys with these huge sweeping swords, pirates with pistols, villagers dancing on warpits, the list of cool units go on and on. And don’t even get me started on how cool the units in Age of Mythology are, that is a whole other level of awesome. I don’t see any of the FUN in AOE 4. Games are for fun.


I remember old interviews for some relic devs for the DOW lll released they mentioned league of legends was their fav game… so who knows, probably some of the are doing game they don’t even like.

Imagine actual people firing arrows from castles and not an imaginary machine… After all we are in 2022, but we still see robot mangonels firing automatically with extreme precision BTW, this is my huge problem with this game, the lack of inmersión, I don’t feel I am playing a medieval game about empires… It looks like I am playing a Disney fantasy game.


I was talking about the Content Editor specifically. You can have whatever opinion on the game you want.

The thing is, this would be a completely separate product. It’d require updating with every patch, too (like mods, but at least those are on the creator to maintain).

I don’t think putting all the effort into creating and maintaining something like that would pay off. I know it was a thing in the earlier games - I’m just saying it’s something we the community could make considering how powerful the tools are.

My handicap is I never touched SCaR. I learned a bit of it in the DoW days but the engine was single-threaded and you could track up performance issues quick. I need to relearn it for a modern Essence game.

It’s better (imo) to refine the existing tools so that modders can create stuff like an ingame “scenario” crafted map or the like. I know some have already looked at the idea, but it’s a lot of work.

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You’re completely right, it wasn’t aimed at them. It also wasn’t aimed at the rest of us. Like everything else in the game, it was aimed at the tiny pro-playerbase at the expense of everyone else.

Yeah you know why everyone loved the Scenario Editor from AoE2? Because it offered the complexity to create trigger filled enter gamemodes like CBA and Roll the Dice, but also because even someone brand new to the game could pick it up and make an awesome map. When I was 12 I was making a huge city to defend against a massive army and it was as simple as throwing down some units and building a city.

When I was 16 I was making a tower defence map where 4 players made units and 4 made towers using complicated triggers in order to support upgrades and teleportation.

The scenario editor offered something for literally everyone and that’s why it was, as flawed as it was in a lot of areas, it was such a huge catch for literally everyone. ANYONE whether they were a child playing it for the 4th time on an old PC making giant armies to slam into each other or someone making a fucking RPG inside of AoE2 could get something out of it. That’s what AoE4 lacks, it’s why the game is haemorrhaging players, because it lacks something for us who aren’t going to spend 10 hours a day playing.

There is very little about mods that are aimed at “pro players”. There could be (ways to fix bugs ahead of official patches and updates, etc), but modders are in general a very different crew to pro players.

I’m a “casual” player (or whatever word that works for someone like you who plays random game modes and whatnot). I’m also a modder. It’s not exclusionary. You will benefit from what the modders make. That’s how it works.

And to take us all the way back to the start of my posts in the thread, this was possible for AoE II because it was AoE II. It’s like how Warcraft III had text-editable data files. Older games, while absolutely being complex for their time and taking effort and skill to create, used older tech. Are built on older tech. This often makes them simpler to modify.

Hopefully in time people will be able to make maps where you can mess around. But I’d rather have more powerful tools that let us create scripted scenarios for players like you, than Relic spend their time making this specific, simplistic editor just to emulate something AoE II had twenty years ago.

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Nope, current tools won’t let you do something that complex… And even in future tools will most likely never be powerful enough to do that… If such tool would exist you would be able to turn this game to anything you would want…

I’m completely dumbfounded by the seemingly weird choices made by Relic when (not) showcasing what this game can do and how it can look. I’m going to show it to you with screenshots as promised:

This is water using the default zoom and rotation:

This is the same ship in the same place, but now seen from up close and rotated:

Do you see how plain the water looks in the first screenshot? AoE 2:DE has better water effects than that. Honestly, I thought AoE 4 was completely devoid of water reflections, but it’s not: you can see the ship having both a shadow and reflection. It was just a very poor decision when choosing lighting and angle. Why!?

Another one. Here’s a very plain shot of a snowy field:

But I bet a lot of you didn’t know that just by rotating the camera, snow reflects the sun:

Again, WHY!? Why wasting all those GPU resources if you’re going to choose the worst possible angle to make it look like your game engine is from 2010? No wonder why water maps are more resource heavy. There are some maps with randomly generated puddles which also have reflections, but you’ll never even notice them unless you rotate.

Was this because of the infamous “readability”? Is sun glare too much for eSports? I’m just… lost for words. There was so much potential here. Age of Noob recently made a video about torches actually lighting their surroundings and metallic surfaces having reflections too, but for some reason when taken all together, the game looks blurry and plasticky.


Just a bit further down the same post :wink:

Not to be antagonistic, but this kind of stuff I brought up months ago, when we had our first water quality debate.

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The very fact that you need a forum to point those things out is a problem (and not everybody sees every thread). I hope you see that. I don’t need anyone to tell me the awesome rain effects in Forza Horizon for example. The game does an excellent job showing everything to me.

I literally found out about water and ground textures having reflection maps just days ago, from a game I started playing since the closed beta. And before you say “oh but the game lets you rotate, you ungrateful troll”. Almost nobody rotates the camera when playing, because you lose your bearings in an instant.

Hey man, we know you were part of the council and that for you the game is probably like a child. Perhaps some of these design choices we criticize were suggested or upvoted by you. You feel they were justified and responsible choices, but if you haven’t realized from this thread or others in the forum, the game has big problems and losing players fast and to make matters worse, with serious RTS competition right around the corner.

I really commend those who stay vocal and critical 6+ months in. Those are real fans. I’m sure most of them bought the game, full price. I’m one of those. I love the AoE franchise and it hurts me to see a game that seemed so promising ending up being so disappointing. Lesser fans would’ve simply said “meh” and moved on.

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