Saracens is a name given by the european to refer to all these muslim civilizations, dinasties and caliphates. However, these were different cultures and societies. For example, the Berbers have been already split apart.
My proposal is to divide the saracens and get a new group of civilizations (which might lead to a new DLC), just as they did with the Indians. Those civs would be:
- Umayyad
- Abbasids
- Fatimids
- Kurds*
*Technically, the kurds have a different origin and were later converted to islam (wololo). They become relevant in the saracen world when Saladin (a kurd sultan) founded the Ayyubid dynasty.
Below there are some suggestions for these new civilizations, as well as some campaign appereances. Feel free to comment, discuss or modify these characteristics.
Infantry and monks
Unique unit: Cavarly with scimitar (name tbd)
Castle unique tech: Barid (outposts give extra speed to nearby land military)
Imperial unique tech: Diwans (villagers generate gold)
- Farmers collect X% extra food
- Can build Amsar (building for gathering resources that shoot arrows and can garrison foot units) (works as a mill/mining camp/lumber camp + tower) (it would not replace regular buildings, would be an extra option)
- Transport Ships have double HP and +5 carry capacity. (current saracen feature)
- Faster conversion (start at the third conversion interval instead of the fourth)
- Heresy and Herbal Medicine are free
Team bonus: Outposts cost no stone and have +2 LOS
Some tech tree characteristics:
- Full infantry
- No heavy cav archer, no arbalester, no hand canoneer
- No paladin, no heavy camel (but regular camel)
- Full siege (but no Bombard Cannon)
- Dromon
- Full monastery techs
Some campaign appearances: El Cid, Tours battle, other
Unique unit: Mamluk (the current saracen UU)
Castle unique tech: Zealotry: Gives camel units +20 HP. (current saracen feature)
Imperial unique tech: Futuwwa: Military buildings work X% faster (would strenghten the civ bonus)
- The commodity trading fee is 5%.
- Camel units +10 HP. (current saracen feature)
- Can build field hospitals (similar to those in AoE III)
- Cavarly units have +X/Y armor
- Military buildings work X% faster
Team bonus: Markets cost 75 wood. (current saracen feature)
Some tech tree characteristics:
- Full infantry
- Heavy cavarly archer (with all its related upgrades)
- Paladins and heavy camels
- Siege: catapults and rams
- Have architecture
Some campaign appearances: TBD, other
Naval and archers
Unique unit: Tabardariyya (two-handed axeman); Shini (Galley)
Castle unique tech: Skirmishers train faster
Imperial unique tech: Furusiyya (cavarly attacks X% faster)
- Archer units have +X LOS
- University available in feudal age with some techs (ballistics, heated shot, murder holes, treadmill crane)
- Galleys are cheaper
- Galleys attack 25% faster. (current saracen feature)
- Towers have extra bonus against ships
Team bonus: Foot archers have +3 attack against standard buildings. (current saracen feature)
Some tech tree characteristics:
- Heavy infantry
- Good cavarly
- Full university (but bombard towers)
- No gunpowder
- Drommon
- Full monastery
Some campaign appearances: Saladin, other
Unique unit: Faris (heavy cavarly with interchaengable bow and Shamshir (sword), just like the Bengali Ratha)
Castle unique tech: Cavarly +X/Y armor
Imperial unique tech: Counterweights: Trebuchets and Mangonel-line +15% attack. (current saracen feature)
- Free loom
- Build tents instead of houses (cheaper, faster to build, weaker, 5 pop)
- Cavarly and camels moves faster
- Cavarly archer have less frame delay
- Siege weapons have extra bonus against stone defenses
Team bonus: Spearman line have +X/Y armor
Some tech tree characteristics:
- Full Spearman with their techs
- Full cavarly archers with their techs
- Paladins and heavy camels
Some campaign appearances: Saladin, Barbarossa, other
Bonus civ: Kanem
On my recent post I proposed the Kanem. Check out the discussion.