Splitting up the Subcontinent into a 3-4 civs is acceptable

The Chimú UU could be a Maceman called “Alaec” (lord of the valley)

Remember that Andes was one of the 6 cradles of civilization, for AoE 1 the Moche would be more feasible (civilization from which the Chimú descend, something like Yamato => Japan, they even used the same language), there are also many other civilizations from the Andes that would work for AoE 1 like the Chavín (who spoke Quechua).

But going back to the Chimú, they have the achievement of being a civilization that managed to subdue the desert. His hydraulic engineering works are present until today.

They also built the largest adobe city in the Americas, with a centralized layout similar to medieval European cities.

And of course, we must also highlight the metallurgy.

It was also a Naval civilization, say the chronicles that used various types of ships, including 2-story boats made of wood and reeds.


I leave this Soviet movie about the Moche (subtitles in Spanish), you may have problems with the language but it’s worth watching.

In South America there are civilizations that can be adapted for AoE 1 and AoE 2, Chimú is better adapted for AoE 2 due to its achievements and contact with other civilizations already present in AoE 2 (Inca, Spain)