State of AoMR

Aah Nice!! “Upping the Population Limit”
I do wonder how that cooldown works tho… especially with the atlanteans their OP godpowers haha

good point. godpowers NEED a rework. being reusable in cost of favour like some mentioned here.

poppulation improvements really happening? ### ##### my ### ##### can be finally real by making a giant army of those giant colossi and minotaurs!

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This does not contain

But obviously still could be added.

I wonder if there will be at least one new civ.

It’s too bad that the graphics don’t shows the Chinese civ.

No solid release date was mentioned in the video :expressionless:.

My guess is they aim for October/November, considering in the last couple of years, all major AoE-releated releases were during that window.

Can you go into detail as to what made Reforged a bad game? Maybe the AoM developers can use it as reference on things they shouldn’t do.

The AOM devs already did what the Reforged devs did.
Mediocre graphics, China is removed etc.

Graphics are quite subjective. But I do agree that removing the Chinese from the vanilla Retold game is a bad choice. Hopefully they will include them in before launch date.

I expected a new civilisation to be added, like AoE2DE and AoE3DE did, not have one civilisation removed.

I hope they still add the Chinese before release.


The problem wasn’t cartoonish graphics (and its not a problem here, not to me). But more like inconsistent style- the models became much less cartoonish but for some reason the entire environment was still cartoonish (contrary to what they showed in the reveal)

It also had removed content that was liked and important to many like clans, ranks costume campaigns and many fan-made games where removed fue to lame politicly correct.
Overall tons of promises that weren’t fulfilled, tons of bugs and no actuall improvement to pathing UI or any modernized qol changes that where asked by the community in the excuse of “the top players are purist and they didn’t want any changes”.

Worse of all, WC3 was still playable, and those chamges where imposed on the original game. This is equal to them removing chinese from EE on retold release.

Yeah I can but I hope that Age developers won’t try to replicate that disaster that is Reforged. There is nothing good this game gave its community, just a big warning to other developers that this is not how you do it.

So let’s begin, shall we? They delivered less than there was in the original game. No custom campaigns, no ladder, no player profiles, no clans, no tournament mod, lots of bugs and graphical problems.

Then there are the broken promises like reworked campaign to better fit with the modern Warcraft lore, outsorced model creation so while the models look fine, they look weird in the game and the soul of Warcraft 3 kind of disappeared.

Then there are just weird changes like getting rid of name Grom which was replaced by weirdly pronounced Hellscream everywhere, Furion (another hero character) got changed to Malfurion and received only one model while he had two in the original (one for RoC and one for FT).

There were probably many more problems that I don’t recall or I wasn’t bothered by them, but I think you can find some huge list somewhere on the internet.:grinning:

To finish this off, I just wanna say that I have high hopes for this game. I didn’t like AoE 3 before its DE edition and now it’s my favourite game of Age series, but I hope that this one will reclaim its place as the best Age there is.

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I said that AoM was coming in 2024… although they missed the opportunity to release it in 2022 for the 20th anniversary… well at least it would be the 10th anniversary of AoM EE…

Yes, it was known…the remasters are only made by Forgotten Empires and Tantalus…

Both games use the same engine…the Bang Engine, so Retold will use the 3DE version of the engine…

That means using changes to the graphics and game engine that were made for the Age of Empires 3 Definitive Edition, then going beyond that. The start is “adding ray tracing, upping the population limit, [and] adding an engine to handle special effects,” said Yuen. Population limit in particular will be a big change for Age of Mythology not just in how visually impressive it is, but in the fundamentals of how it plays. Strategies in AoM were often boxed in by the strict limits on units set by the limitations of the day’s graphical tech—even if it was widely praised at the time.

Well, well… it’s going to be like in the Command and Conquer saga and WC3…

Atenea: “Arkantos wake up, a new era is upon us”…

Arkantos in 4K…

Maybe they’ll show it in June at the Summer Game Fest…

Yes, for me it will be AoE 3 dlc in September (for the Battle of Vienna), AoM Retold in October and a new AoE 4 dlc in November (like last year)…

They didn’t remove China, they are going to rework it but it will be launched with Retold…

Yes, not only are they not going to get the Chinese out, but the Aztecs could come…

Yes, what Blizzard did was bad, but then I remember that they are united with Activision and there I remember why they did it…

Well… well I’m glad you love 3 DE and yes… we all want Retold to succeed because it is a masterpiece (and in the process ensure that AoE 3 DE doesn’t feel so undervalued in the saga, since AoE 3 takes a lot of influence from AoM)…

You mean the Chinese culture will be playable upon Retold’s release?
Is that what you mean? if so, where did you get this info from?

Because they never removed a dlc from any game…plus they had already said that they were going to rework them but it was going to take time…

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I’m afraid they look like they are gonna set a precedent with AoMR going by all the info they decided to share.

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It’s February, the game will most likely release in October, because that’s where all AoE games (including AoM and all Definitive Editions) with the exception with AoE1 DE (because it was delayed by half a year) where released around October.
October is early enough before Christmas which is important for sales.

So more then enough time to release more trailers, screenshots, articles and do more interviews.


Yes, in June they will show gameplay of the game and in September details of the civs and the new content that the game will bring such as the arena of the gods (which would be a kind of challenges or historical battles)…

Thx for being such an insider for us Mat.

Could make sense let’s see and hope so.

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