Steam Pup Notes Feedback: Initial Thoughts

I believe that everyone should be more patient, I believe this is what the developers are doing and I think it’s a wise choice,

how can you want a rework for something you just released? what they are currently doing is fixing some bugs left behind and why no big changes? because it is still uncertain how the civilization is and there may be changes, if you look at the two civilizations and compare what has happened to them since the beginning of their release there is a large variation

they must still be studying civilization to find out what can be changed, for that there are thousands of factors to be seen and studied, not just a simple look from anyone here

we can contribute our opinion, but their work must not be easy and there may be a difference of opinion

take it easy and if they really need change they will have it


I’ll take any incomplete solution over nothing.We waited over a year not gonna wait a year more for simple handicap feature.This is the best they’ve come up with.

Anyone who doesn’t like to play with a cheating AI has to drop down their difficulty as general AI improvements have already been made for other difficulties as well.We don’t want to chill playing the hardest difficulty,we want challenge!

Every Hard or similar difficulty must cheat to a certain degree in every RTS game because of technical and budgetary reasons otherwise it can’t compete with a human unless ML is implemented which i highly doubt we’ll ever see mainstream use in our lifetimes.The highly mentioned AoE2De Extreme difficulty cheats as well.FE just won’t use cheating as their sole foundation.

The distinction between FE and Relic comes from budget and competency. FE started to add new logic to the AoE2 DE AI just 4 months after game’s release, look at what Relic did at same time.

Now Relic needs show some backbone for their decision and either go into the route of focusing on AI further which won’t likely happen because of COH 3 or transfer the AI work completely to the FE.


mongol kurultai and french red keep gonna be so much op they need a balance before even they come out.Kurultai shouldnt effect bonus damage of the units in my opininon and red keep atleast shouldnt effect towncenters

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This is by far the most liked comment on BeastyQT’s video of season 4. People want the boar pull:



I agree that the handicap system would be better and should be added regardless like they did for AoE2 and 3.

As for the cheating AI, well they have been making small improvements to the AI in most patches, but it is still so far away from being decent. So this seems like a bandaid to get it there much more quickly.

With very rare exceptions I never even see anyone other than low level players using stone walls in feudal. It is just too expensive in resources and villager time.

Personally the only change I think stone walls could maybe use at this point would be that killing one segment also brings down the two adjacent ones (just like it works now with gates). Also, siege towers obviously need reworked.

Making this toggleable seems needlessly complicated and annoying to have inconsistent behaviour. Either remove it or don’t, but keep it consistent. I don’t think there was really a problem with how it was so their change does seem unnecessary.


We need a radical change in the behavior of the AI, not just adding a bonus to the collection of resources.


The boar change is terrible. takes a lot of fun from the game.
Pulling the boar on people was something that was fun, and it’s not like it was broken.


Make boar great again!


Yes I know. As I said they have been slowly improving it in most patches. It is just still a long ways away from being good. This seems like a bandaid for them to get it to be more difficult sooner.

It needs some big improvements to opening build orders, its prioritization of where to harvest resources and where to attack/defend, its unit control in fights or when being raided, etc…


This new version of hardest should be called cheat mode. they should bring back previous hardest .

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It is already there under a different name called Hard.It is just below Hardest.