Steam secret achievements for AOM Retold. New DLC coming?

Hello guys!

I have seen in Steam that some secret achievements have appeared:

Is this the new DLC? I also see a scheduled download for the game this 12 of February in Steam


The hidden achievements are for the new DLC yes, though the scheduled download for Feb. 12 is intriguing. Could be the DLC or could be more patches…i’d think they would announce a DLC release date like 2 weeks ahead of time though, which has already passed. I hope its the DLC but im admittedly not confident.


I’m starting to get a bit worried that there are bigger issues with the Chinese DLC since we haven’t heard much about it since its announcement. That was back when pre-orders for AoM Retold first opened, and the best time to release it would have been around the Chinese New Year celebration.

Not sure, but I hope everything is alright and that we get a release date soon. AoM Retold needs new content to stay relevant.


Honestly? I think its moreso just that Age of Empires’ PR is garbage. They seem to enjoy keeping us in the dark until the last possible second before a release for some incomprehensible reason.


They did the very slow teasing with AoE 4 DLC, They didn’t reveal it until it hit test servers. And Im not gonna lie it kind of worked.

How so? what benefit did that bring?

It was one of the best selling AoE DLCs. Even though after two months people started realizing that it wasn’t that much of good content.

It’s like there’s just one guy doing all the PR for all the Age games, and he’s doing that on the side, while his main job is something else.


Lol I made this same comment on another thread about 4 days ago

LMAO [20 characters]

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Actually, I think you are right, there literally might be just 1 or 2 people doing PR and marketing, which shows.
Age of Mythology Retold is such a great and fun game. There are a few gamebreaking bugs such as D3D12 crashes that the team NEEDS to fix, but aside from that, it is a stable game.

The lack of community interaction and marketing really shows and is tremendously hurting the game, as it has a great potential.
Don’t know and don’t care who’s in charge of that, but they really need to do a better job promoting the game and interacting with the community.

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There’s a saying that I once heard “I’m being treated like a mushroom; being kept in the dark and fed s*** all day.” and tbh…at least in that situation you’re getting something lol. Jests aside, I mostly think that the dev team does a good job with most of the content (and when they don’t, they tend to be good about balancing on the back end) but the one thing that frustrates me with them is their utter lack of communication on anything. And given that they’ve had two situations where they’ve had to release “filler” DLC because other DLCs were running behind, maybe they’re trying to be careful to not overpromise and then not deliver on timeframes, but a little bit of information would really be nice, even if, in the example of the Chinese DLC, it was something like “Hey, we’re aiming for Q2, It’s possible we’ll have to push it further due to unforseen circumstances, if so we’ll let you know” or for AOE2 “Hey, we’ve got a “traditional” DLC coming, its set in XYZ area of the world, let us know what you think the civs and campaign might be! It should be out in 3-6 months, barring unforseen circumstances” type of vague updates would still be a very welcome improvement over the practical sensory deprivation we have now.

Yes. Judging from the last couple of DLCs for AoE 2, the DLC is then aprox. 1-3 months away.

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