Win / Loss ratio,
Kill / Death ratio,
Pretty much any “stats” are something that really triggers me.
I love FPS games that hide away the K/D ratio. Especially when the game isn’t about how great your K/D is, but about achieving the objective / victory.
And I agree with the Message of the OP.
Don’t be blinded by Stats. I see far to many people who praise the stats as if it was some sort of holy text.
I am advocating for Ignoring stats, Stats are certainly a usefull analysis tool, but it is just 1 tool in a massive selection of different tools.
There are many, MANY factors that a Simple look on the W/L dosn’t tell you.
Such as W/L relative to the games. Veterancy of the playerbase. And Agency getes very undermined.
You see this very clearly in games such as Warthunder. Where vehicle (unit) performance is solely based on its W/L ratio.
not taking into account, how many games, and what kind of players use them.
One such example is how one such vehicle got nerfed into oblivion, simply because it had an extremely high K/D ratio. But that wasn’t because the vehicle was good, but because the players who played it in a very specific playstyle that prevented it from getting killed at all before the game ended.
Here is where the Stat blinded people failed to see:
The vehicle was so immensly slow, had very good frontal armor, and a OK gun. By the time it finally reached the frontline, you usually manage to fire 1-2 shots before the game ended.
This resulted in the vehicle being rarely killed as it rarely saw action. And whenever it did see action, it usually had the innitiative of a surprice attack and before the enemie could react, they either got killed, and if they didn’t, well the game ends before they get a chanse of counter attacking.
Just looking on K/D didn’t take account of the actual situation on the ground.
Same thing can be said about any stats.
Maybe I’m to old to understand why people have such a Performance obsession.
I gotta have the best W/L ratio. I gotta best K/D score, I gotta make smurf accounts because i got 1 to many losses on it!
I don’t get the why people feel the need to be “better” than everyone else.
in the end, none of that really matters.
My wife dosn’t really care that I manage to achieve perfect rounds without K.O. in the PvP Battlegrounds in Wow with my max lvl rogue lol.