Strange discovery on the Counter Jeager and Dragoon

In this case, it’s very, very obviously extremely broken. They perfectly cover each other’s weaknesses.

Dragoons are countered by light infantry and heavy infantry (which they can run from) and they counter heavy cavalry and artillery (and this particular form also countered light cavalry)

Counter-Skirms are countered by heavy cavalry and artillery and counter light infantry and soft counter heavy infantry.

So there’s nothing you can make that isn’t hard countered by one form or the other other than heavy infantry which will still get countered with some micro.

It was discussed before here:

It just frustrates me how ridiculously bad the units are. Not only are they complete fiction with horrible names, but they considered making them an uncounterable unit.

It would be cool to see them reworked into a single dismounting unit with an actual real name like Leib Guard. They’d just have to give them a proper pairing like heavy cav / counter-skirm or light cav / heavy infantry.

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