Stunning graphics! Thanks to the great developers for helping us realize our dreams!

A little request for Devs with their new great unit textures…

I know the Maltese is the one of the most recent civs, but I’d love if the Knights looked more fitting for their era!
Early modern era Knights would have started with lots of Plate armour initially before dropping all but the Cuirass later on (and having Landschecht-style trousers/leggings) and even the DLC artwork depicts it (awesomely!), however we have a very old 12th century style medieval knight in game - maybe pushing it towards 13th century with the Teutonic upgrade (that gives a 1200s Great Helm), so around 300-400 years before AoE3 :stuck_out_tongue:

Sentinels look similar to the far right image (minus that helmet) in their final upgrade however the middle image (and I guess the far left one by default!) would still look very different to them.