Currently, all units with ranged attacks have 80% Accuracy. The only Exceptions are Town Centers, Citadel Centers, Petsuchos, Mirror Tower and Fafnir who all have 100%. Is 80% and 100% the only values that can be used as accuracy values? I think you could solve some balance issue by tinkering with this value.
You could fine tune current ranged units if they’re slightly overperforming and messing with attack rate or values is too much.
Chariot Archer → 70%
Peltast → 75%
Maybe make improvements give accuracy?
“Huntress Axe” basically already gives it, but through homing instead of an accuracy increase.
“Enyo’s bow of horror” is rather underwhelming, it could raise Toxotai’s Accuracy to 90%.
“Sylvan Lore” could give Centaurs +10%, which would raise their non Ability damage.
“Slings of the Sun” could do it as well.
Multiple projectile attackers could get less accuracy but more power in order to give a more “spread” damage
The current Towers are currently rather wimpy and here is an idea I posted a while ago in another thread.
Watch Tower → 60% Accuracy and 4 damage → 6 damage. Or maybe 65% Accuracy and 5 damage?
A similiar thing could be done with the Fortress-type buildings.
Cheiroballista ->65% Accuracy and +1Projectile. Similar Expected Single target damage at range (4x0.8=3.2, 5x0.65=3.25), but better against groups. Would also line up better with their model that has 5 bolts loaded. Credit to Youtuber Bennoloth for this suggestion.
Would love to hear your thoughts on this subject.