Suggestion: Divine Glowing Eyes and Non-Glowing Eyes as Challenge Rewards?

I’ve always thought it was a bit strange that most of the Chinese deities don’t have divine glowing eyes. Then I thought, what if the devs gave us more challenge reward varieties so that the players can then choose between divine glowing eyes and non-glowing eyes for their god portraits?

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Interesting idea!

But generally speaking it’s a bit strange and for me out of consistency that major gods of:
All Greek have glowing eyes
All Norse except Freyr have glowing eyes
Why not all the others too? Could make them different colours or, as you suggests as an alternative portrait.

But I am currently still a bit bothered that Shennong looks so badass in the YouTube thumbnail and in the other portrait he looks kinda like Beorn from LotR and less feral and mighty.

I personally somehow like Fuxi’s the most. But would look even better with glowing eyes I agree!