Suggestion for Knights Templar: Recolour of The Walls

if you guys have time why dont you also recolour the stone walls texture of the knights templar faction to a more yellow-ish sandstone texture :smile: ? kinda like in stronghold crusader

Example of yellow-ish levant walls:


It releases in 2 weeks. They absolutely have the time to recolor the walls. And maybe add a civ or two in there as well.

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Love the idea! It would match well with their alternate color scheme.

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Yes! I did thought about it, i saw that the imperial buildings sorta use like a sandstone type texture so, i think they really should do the same with walls

Ok, it’s definitely too late for them to make any changes now, and they’re probably busy squashing bugs, but I definitely like the idea. Who knows, maybe in a future update.

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Not too late! They usually have artists around even if all the content needed has been already developed until the last second for cases like this, i dont think they need to work that much, they just literally need to saturate the already made texture and then lower the whites, could be done in 2 seconds :slight_smile:

In general, the stones of the walls should depend on the genome, but have elements of the chosen civilization.