I find it really cool and useful to have heroes regenerate health in Age of Empires 2: Definitive Edition, and was wondering if such feature could be implemented into this game. It would render heroes more durable and challenging during combat.
that would pretty great. It should be used in modern scenarios or campaigns though, as it could affect previous campaigns and user scenarios gameplay
It would certainly affect all teams, though. Every hero from every team would regenerate their health.
I imagine most heroes being alive until the end, and so, they face each other fighting for the last man standing, when there are no other units but buildings there to destroy.
It would be biggest buff to Macedonia since they lack priest. I have played some custom campaigns and scenarios with Macedonia and having hero also objective that hero must survive. I really hate that part because I can’t heal him which means I can’t use him as part of my main attack force.
Yeah. The idea is not to make them like Wolverine, of course, but them regenerating 25% of their health in 1 minute or so (while not being attacked). I think that would be just fine.
If you guys have more suggestions as to how the regeneration behavior should work, please spit it out!
I think 1 or 2 hp per second would be just fine. I think even just 1 hp per second is fine for AoE1.
True. The best way could be adding it as a scenario option, and tweaking the current campaign scenarios accordingly, in order to not make it a too big advantage when it shouldn’t.
Thanks! I attached your idea in the post’s description. Regeneration option being available within the Scenario Editor would be awesome indeed
Maybe even making it possible to be used not only with heroes but other units as well!
It is an excellent idea.
In addition to this, campaign heroes should have immunity to conversions. It sounds ridiculous that priests can convert Julius Caesar or Alexander the Great.
I agree with that. Sounds fine!
I think heroes would be most useful if they could passively buff their own nearby troops. More attack damage or more live or something.
Interesting. Reminds me of heroes in WarCraft 3.