So a while back I suggested that the Inca be renamed to Quechua and reinstated on old maps, rather than be relegated to Upper Andes. The latest patch did this! Though I don’t presume that the devs actually saw my suggestion, and think this was likely coincidental. But that won’t stop me from restatting my opinion on the other removed native settlements being reinstated!
A redesign of the Old Aztecs. I picked the Tlaxcalas because they were enemies of the Aztecs, and allied with the Conquistadors against the Aztecs, and much of Cortes’s army consisted of Tlaxcalan warriors.
Tlaxcalan Flower Knight - Elite warrior armed with an obsidian sword. Replaces the “Aztec Jaguar Knight”.
Tlaxcalan Eagle Warrior - Elite infantry that flings javelins from an atlatl. Good against infantry. Replaces the “Aztec Eagle Knight”.
Tlaxcalan Training - Renamed Aztec Initiation.
Tlaxcalan Cacao - Renamed Aztec Chocolate Recipes.
Tlaxcalan Economy - Renamed Aztec Chinampa.
Tlaxcalan Noble Warriors - Renamed Aztec Garland Wars.
Mexico, Sonora, Yucatan
Blackfoot Confederacy
A redesign of the old Lakota.
Blackfoot Axe Rider - Blackfoot horseman armed with an axe. Replaces the “Lakota Axe Rider”
Blackfoot Horn Rider - Elite Blackfoot horsemen armed with a lance. Replaces the “Lakota Dog Soldier”
Blackfoot Hunting Grounds - Renamed Lakota Hunting Grounds
Lords of the Plains - Renamed Lakota Horse Trading
Sky Dogs - Renamed Lakota Dog Soldiers.
Colorado, Dakota, Great Plains, Rockies
Three Fires
A redesign of the old Iroquois. The Council of Three Fires was a confederacy consisting of the Ojibwe, Ottawa, and Potawatomi. The Council of Three Fires were fairly large, survived for around 1000 years, and maintained relations with both other native societies and with later colonial ones.
Three Fires Warrior - Three Fires warrior that hurls tomahawks into battle. Replaces the “Iroquois Tomahawk”.
Three Fires Mantlet - Short-ranged siege unit. Replaces the “Iroquois Mantlet”. The Council of Thee Fires maintained relations with both the Huron Confederacy and the Iroquois League, so they would know of and could build their own mantlets if needed, but honestly it’s hard to research online, as all you find is information about short capes. So this one’s a bit iffy.
Keepers of the Faith - Renamed Iroquois Lacrosse.
Keepers of the Trade - Renamed Iroquois League.
Keepers of the Fire - Renamed Iroquois Morning Wars.
Dakota, Great Lakes, Saguenay